

Now have you seen that devil is folklore therefore none can fight what doesn’t exist because it can never change issues of ones life, but the search for truth will usher in deliverance and happiness. That is why the castings and boundings of Satan by pastors and bishops has not reduced the wave of criminality. Ours is not to bind and cast demons but to teach the truths to the sons of men who after convictions, accepts Yahweh through Yahoshea and such confession ushers in healing and deliverance unto the sinner. If the witches and wizards do the spell of binding, and the annointeds binds them, who is a binder and who is the saviour? He who binds a witch is a super witch. Some are seen casting stone to the unseen Satan as a religious rite.
Some religious doctrines believes that human body is covered by Satan and its force or influence, so the best way to punish Satan is to starve him, so that calls for the need for fastings. During fasting, the devil is starved and punished. Some religionist believes that when Yahweh came down to earth to create first mortals, that he was accompanied with Satan and all other messengers. After creation, Yahweh seeing that man is too good as his image and representation directed the celesial beings to worship man, but Satan and his host of rebellious fellows rejected to worship man claiming that they cannot fall down to worship man, so Yahweh in anger left the rebellious ones on earth pending the time they will worship man.
Upon all the efforts of pastors and bishops towards casting and bounding of Satan, the devil is still active. Does that proof that Satan is more powerful than all the powers of the prayers of the saints joined together or does it men that Satan is an illusion? Check the number of churches in our communities, what about our house fellowships and family alters, the crusades, retreats and night vigils, all are channel against Satan the devil and his hosts, yet the evil are still on increase. Some are trained to chase Satan with stones.
But the general discovery about Satan’s beliefs is that those devil chasers and bounders are seen rich and flamboyant in this world. Most of the marvelous castles and sikerdelic homes are owned by devil chasers. The pastors and bishops of our days are floating on great economic powers as against the simple and humble life of Yahoshea Meshiyach the saviour. People do great campaigns in order to be elected as members of church committees. Then by this calculation, how can the superstition die? While the majority of humans depend on it for their daily life. The problem of mankind is not by Satan but by believing that there is Satan. Any belief without origin is a myth.
So our pastors and bishops will betterly learn about the spiritual and natural truths and teach such to their multitudes than to teach them on how best to give excuses or complains about Satan. Teach the people about the majesty (King) who is Yahweh but not to feed them with the rebel philosophy. Man owe allegiance to Yahweh alone who is his eternal king but not to any being who is seen as a rebel.
Do you know that some pastors call on Satan more than they mention the name of Yahweh when they are preaching? I waited at a gate of a church to investigate, I found that within one hour, the pastor mention the devil on twelve occasions but mentioned Yahweh on only ten occasions. The duty of the pastors is to reawaken the consciousness of Yahweh within their believers so as to make them to be aware that they are the image or representative of Yahweh, therefore man has no excuse to sin. They should teach men on the natural essence within men which includes love, courage, endurance, humility, forgiveness, kindness, those will be the worthy teachings in the churches and with that any amount paid to the pastors are reasonably spent.
Do you put in consideration that if kingdom divides among itself it will fall? Then if the kingdom of Yahweh is divided between himself and Satan, is it not a fallen kingdom? How possible do you think that a king will divide his kingdom with his enemy? If the son of Yahweh comes back as the scripture says and divide the people into two and one side for himself and the other side which is majority to the Satan, then who wins in the battle?
My brethren, men are tempted by lust of their flesh and not by Yahweh or by devil as the Bible translators added. The original inspired scripture says “Let no man when he is empted say. I am tempted by Yahweh for Yahweh cannot be tempted by evil and he himself does not tempt anyone. But each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by the lust of his own flesh. Then when lust conceive it give birth to sin and when sin is accomplished, it brings forth death.
Then, who is the tempter of man, is it the devil or the lust of his flesh? Because it will be a contradiction for the same bible to bear that man is under Satan as a tempter and other side confirmed that man is tempted by the lust of his flesh. The word that appeared in the original scripture is THOUGHT of good and of evil. The THOUGHT of evil is the source of man’s downfall or sin because the laws separate the righteous and unrighteous.
Do you remember the parable of the lost sheep where the owner left ninety-nine sheep to look for one and when found declared a merriment or feast over the lost and found sheep. Then how can Yahwch allow majority of his children to loose eternally from him? All these accounts were ancient mythologies or folklores, which were planted into the scriptures by the enemies of Yahweh. They arc weeds planted into the farm of the owner when he was away. There is a need for you to free yourself from delusion with this message you/are hearing today. Because there is no Satan or Lucifer as the translators added in the scriptures.
Let us continue with the questions, when King Solomon judged over the baby, the woman that owns the child couldn’t allow it to be cut or divided into two. Then how do you think that Yahweh the owner of the earth will boast of dividing the earthmen into two, one side for himself and the other to devil and his hosts?
Why praise Satan, if somebody’s personality is aimed at destruction, if you go about raising or broadcasting his works, you arc therefore praising and promoting such being, we praise goodman with good works and evil man with evil works. Yahweh created all things and sustains all. But what has Satan given to the people of the world that will induce them to praise him for his evil works.

Meshiyach Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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