

Again I want to know why sons of men support Yahweh against the Satan in the battle. When our father and our brothers are at war, will it be justifiable for us to follow our father against our brother? We are expected to be in position of making peace and settlement. So you see we are not expected to merely hearing of war, then we take sides. Brother hear me well, all stories about Devil is fictions. One of the funny statements we use to hear from those caught on evil is that it is the handiwork of Satan. For instance someone is caught committing adultery. He will tell the crowd that it is the work of Satan. Then who enjoyed the essence? Is it the devil? And who will receive beating or jail if possible? Is it not the offender? Will the devil help the offender to bear the pains of the consequence? You will discover that the offender is the devil himself since he can’t prove of the devil’s whereabout.
But how did Satan and demons survive the deluge? Satan came to men through Adam and Eve and passed to all mortals and beings in accordance with the story. Even some evil spirits married daughters of men and sured giants who went about committing crimes, but the era of Adam and his infected devils ended during the Noah’s flood. At that point only Noah and his family who were righteous survived the deluge; if only holy and righteous Noah and his family survived the flood, where or through whom did Satans or demons remerged in the earth? So does it mean that Satan after deceiving mankind into destruction was left undestroyed? What was the aim of the flood? Is it not for the eradication of evil men and all evils. If you want to eradicate evil without destruction of the architect of evil, how successful will you achieve? My question is reasonable because to pursue peace is to pursue those that threaten the peace. So according to the story, only mere men were destroyed leaving behind the father of all crimes. When we open the bible we should not close our sense of reasoning.
Even on the planet earth, if offenders or army officers carryout a coup-de-tat and was uncovered, the culprits will be apprehended and destroyed leaving the vessels or low loyal officers they forced to follow them during the operation. But the flood killed the mere vessels leaving the leaders of the revolt.
But the question is still, how did Satan and demons remerged on earth? Because Adam’s era has all gone leaving behind only holy family (Noah) on earth. Through whom again did Satan enter as he just entered or tempted Eve and later Adam? Which laws again were given to Noah and his family? And if there is one, who did Satan used to bring disobedience again in the era of Noah? If there is no noted persons that Satan used as a point man, it means that there is no need to talk of Satan existence from the days of Noah to date. My listener, what you term as devil is your thoughts of evil.
Again why did the saviour unable to chain Satan and his hosts when he came to earth? What is the need of allowing him to parade around the earth with torch of afflictions to sons and daughters of men? It is true because no one discovers a problem in his system without looking for means of eliminating it or is the saviour interested on the works of Satan here on earth? If Yahoshea the saviour as accounted can cast out Satan and demons what stops him from chaining him eternally when the Satan came to tempt him? Remember if a bad tooth is not removed, the mouth cannot stop eating with caution. Then why still allow him to exist up till now.
If Yahoshea came to deal with Satan and as he claimed that he has overcome the earth meaning Satan and his works, why did he still allow the Satan to remain active in the earth. Even now his works has increased as claimed by the church workers. A person that has been overcame or conquered, why is he still active? If Satan has been conquered and still mankind is still tortured and afflicted in a higher degree means that the conquered Satan is not the course of the problems of men. Then men should look out for his torturer elsewhere.
If he was not destroyed in the first advent of the saviour how are we sure that he can been eliminated during his second advents? You see all this claims are misplaced priorities, Yahoshea Meshiyach didn’t know devil, neither did he encounter the devil and he didn’t come to destroy Satan, rather his coming was to reawaken the lost consciousness of Yahweh in sons of men. Men replaced the words of Yahweh with traditions of men, so Yahoshea came and frowned at the custodians of human made doctrines who are personified as scribes, pharasses and high priests.
Yahoshea came to correct the false teachers on all spiritual matters. And he paid with his dear life for carrying out such risky assignment but Yahweh raised him from death. And his next coming is still aimed to reunite with us at the time we have taken the necessary corrections by becoming loyal or obedient children of Yahweh.
There is worldwide assertion that devil is black. All other good or loyal celestial beings are all white with exception of Lucifer.
The account bore that the Satan was the most beautiful celestial being in heaven but after his defeat in heaven he is defaced. When he was obedient, he was white but when rebelled he became black. Many portraits are seen today where the white messenger bearing a long sharp sword while the Lucifer (black) is seen pressed down as a looser. This is a design of shame because it portrays that white man is superior and purer than the Blackman. This was born through the long campaign or propaganda against Blackman, but the bitterest of it all is that the blacks support and encourage such images by aiding to print or produce and market such design of shame
So the frightful monster with bat’s, wings, horns, cloven foot, long tail, forked tongue and the likes represents the Blackman and his ways of life. But I am putting it to you that it is great insult on the personality of the blacknamism, and we must reject it entirely. The aim of these message is to decolonise you from Satanic belief

Prophet Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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