
The Language Of Soul

Soul is created in the image and likeness of God. But as soon as any Soul is sent down into the lower worlds, It is enfolded by different bodies including the Human body that we can see with our physical eyes. Some of us get carried away with this Human body and believe and also think we are of flesh and bones alone. This has lend some credence to the false philosophy of ‘one lifetime’ whereby some religions argue that we only live once.
There is nothing wrong with this viewpoint if it makes some individuals happy and enables them to live a blissful life.
But for the spiritual adventurer, who wants to explore the beautiful heavens of God, our spiritual home, where our Father God resides, then this individual must be prepared to take the next step.
As soon as Soul, a spark of God takes up one of the physical or earthly bodies as a student picks up a school uniform, it begins its journey of spiritual unfoldment where life teaches Soul some maturity in spiritual judgment. Soul is thought how to receive and give the divine love of God through interaction with other members of the God Family including HU-mans, animals and all other beings we cannot see with our physical eyes.
This training can go on for millions of earth years.
In actual fact, most of us have lived before but we simply cannot remember. This is because in every incarnation, man is given the opportunity to win heaven once again as if man is doing it for the very first time. It is done like this for three main reasons.
The first is to remove the feeling of guilt from the consciousness of man based on all man’s negative activities during a particular lifetime that has a bearing on the present lifetime. Secondly, man’s brain is too small to carry the information for numerous lifetimes except if man is provided with special Spiritual Exercises before the curtain can be parted and man can have a glimpse of the reason for the activities of this present lifetime. The third reason being that man is given every opportunity in every lifetime to meet with the Living Godman whom God has provided here on earth to give necessary assistance to that Soul who is ready to commence the Journey back home to God.
Some of us are not ready to go back home since we are still ‘enjoying’ things of the material worlds and learning our lessons. Some of us have lived beyond one million years in the physical worlds, going and returning as students who have refused to graduate from school.
Now while at school in these lower worlds, the communication link with God has always being in place without some of us realizing this fact. God has never left man alone but it is rather man who has deserted God through man not waking up to his spiritual responsibilities. Man has forgotten the language of God that can connect man to God anytime man needs to secure the attention of God while at school in the lower worlds university.
Though man possesses the ability to communicate in the language of man but lacks the spiritual ability to communicate with God.
This is the language of Soul, the language of the Holy Spirit.
The language of Soul is based on the imaginative faculty. This is because the movement of the Holy Spirit through the pure worlds of God produces Sound and in the lower heavens, the psychic world, it produces light and in the physical, intelligence. But this intelligence can only be perceived through the mental faculty of imagination.
The most elementary aspect of this language of Soul is the common dream. Dreaming is a spiritual activity that despite the fact that it is difficult to unravel by man, only minimal attempt has been put into the study of dreams. But dreaming is the first stage that demonstrates the true reality of the Inner worlds which are actually the heavens of God.
The second aspect of the language of Soul is the conscious use of the imagination to communicate with the Holy Spirit, the Voice of God. Through imagination, man can make contact with the audible life stream, the Voice of God. Man over the years, have been tutored to communicate with the Holy Spirit through the common language of man instead of utilizing the language of the Holy Spirit. This requires, though, knowledge of the eternal language and practical application of such knowledge. But unfortunately, this is not taught in many religions of the world today.
Just as the photographer focuses his lens on an object, captures it in the view finder, takes the picture and later develops it in the ‘dark room’ and later comes up with real pictures so also can man take pictures in his minds’ eye focuses and takes pictures that are later processed in the ethers, the spiritual production room, and will not be surprised when it is manifested in real life! The level of the intensity of the concentration over time is directly proportional with the output, the outer physical manifestation. This is based on the theory of physical manifestation.
This theory says God, our Father has concluded creation and all we, the children of God need to do is to bring whatever we need into manifestation in accordance with this law.
The third language is the Golden Tongue Wisdom. This is expanding the consciousness in order to understanding the direct information that is being given by the Holy Spirit at short notice. It takes an advance Soul to quickly understand the information that is being passed by the Holy Spirit, the Voice of God.
The forth aspect is the Waking Dream or the dramatized action. Whereas the individual goes to sleep and gets information in the dream state, the waking dream state gives an opportunity to that Soul whose level of awareness will enable him to see a ‘live dream’ and be able to interpret the meaning while the actual dream is on.
The fifth and the most important one is the non directional prayer to God. In this form of communication, the individual practitioner recites the Holy and sacred name of God from about ten to twenty minute before bedtime. This Holy name of God is the HU. Singing it can raise the consciousness of the individual to a higher level such that the individual can have a two way communication with God. The Hu is sung in a long drawn out breath as in Huuuugh! While focusing the attention on the spiritual eye, at the spot in between the two eye brows with the eyes shut. This can be done for about ten minutes and the individual would have succeeded in securing the attention of God.
While singing HU, the individual can pose any question of interest to God and be rest assured that God would reply him in the dream State. This discipline is achieved by writing down our dreams in a dream journal as soon as we wake in the morning. By the time we do this for about four weeks, the individual would have begun his instructions in learning the language of Soul, the language of God.

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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