

Do you believe that Yahweh will give commandment to people who have no knowledge in them? And if Adam was without a knowledge within him how do he recognize Eve as his bone of bones when he was conscious of himself. How can he respond to the order of Yahweh to name all created things? Or do Adam have partial knowledge before his fall because after his downfall, he recognized that he was naked which means a realization or demonstration of knowledge as written as thus. “And the eyes of them both were opened and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed leave together, and made themselves aprons”. The account bore that it was after the fall ‘that man know that he was naked and had his eyes opened which means that it was when he received knowledge.
The next text that confirmed it is in same account bear as thus “And Yahweh said, Behold man is become as one of us to know good and evil and now lest he put forth his hand, and have also of the tree of life and eat and live for ever” he therefore directed as thus “therefore Yahweh sent him forth from the Garden of Eden to till the ground from where he was taken”. These account wholly point accusing hands On Yahweh, first, he doesn’t want man to have knowledge and again he doesn’t want man to live forever.
As man took and eat the fruit of knowledge of good and bad, he pushed man out of Garden of Eden. How can Yahweh be against man for having knowledge.
Knowledge is golden as referenced to the same scripture as thus “So that thou incline thine ear unto wisdom and apply thine heart to understanding, Yea if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up they voice for understanding, if you seekest her as silver, and searches for her as for hid treasure”. In the absence of knowledge how can man exercise authority as ruler of this earth. If apple gives knowledge why do we sent our children to school? Why not we buy apples in quantity and give to them so that they will have enormous knowledge? Then is knowledge bad? Because as the account bear the Yahweh didn’t allow man to have the knowledge of good and bad. If man in his original form didn’t have the knowledge of good and bad, is he in the image of Yahweh? If man has no knowledge, how can he be given law of the forbidden tree because without knowledge, one cannot recognize law. That is if lie has no knowledge of good and bad how can he know that eating of the forbidden fruit is evil or bad? A man who doesn’t know that he was naked could not equally know the law of forbidden fruit because in him was no knowledge.
How can a person without knowledge know what is temptation and how to resist it? And how can you hold such person responsible? Then if the Serpent or the Satan introduced man to eat the forbidden fruit which made him to be knowledgeable, what evil did it do to man? Can man operate without knowledge? He who give man knowledge should not be seen as his enemy but rather he who deprives man knowledge. All creatures have knowledge, for example, a dog in your house knows when you want to beat it and when you have to give it food. If man is the ruler of the earth, can he rule without the knowledge of good and bad? Even a newborn baby knows when to laugh or cry. Can snake or serpent talk? And is there any snake with legs and hands.
With the story of devil, does it not mean that man’s freewill has been rubbed from him? Because the devil as a person has the power to withhold the capacity of man to exercise his freewill and authority over the earth because the devil is equally addressed in the same scripture as the ruler of this world.
Believing in devil’s existence is disbelieving our free will. For Instance the book of Job upheld that Job is a man of high integrity who resisted all forms of temptations and thereby suffered terrible affliction, but the book refused to understand that all accusing fingers pointed to Yahweh for Job’s affliction. Since Job was upright, it then means that he was unjustly suffered.
Then it further means that Yahweh through devil wrecked Job of his family and all belongings. It is true because according to the account, the Satan went to Yahweh and took permission to tempt Job. If Yahweh doesn’t tempt, how can he give permission to someone or devil to tempt his faithful?
Doesn’t such portray that Yahweh and devil sometimes agree for the evil works the Satan is caring out on innocent sons of men? Then if Job was upright and faithful, why did Elihu reproof him? Why did the word of Yahweh rained on him over his misunderstandings. Do you know that the Job later confessed? If he was upright will he confess? Does a righteous man confess? I know that confessions are for sinners who have realized themselves and have the option of confession in order to free himself. And that was exactly what happened in the case of Job because after the confession he was restored.
The bible teachers must know how to balance the scriptures. If they always preach that Job was righteous and was afflicted. Can a righteous man suffer? Because it is clear that afflictions or sorrows are the child products of sin. Why have the preachers refused to teach that Job was reproofed by Elihu and lately confessed? Brother, it will not be wise for us to always close our senses when we open the bible.
The book of Job as we are made to understand is one of the books of Moses. If the person called Job really existed, the book was talking of man’s mind, when he is premature, he thinks about devils and spells. And thought that he was sinless while afflictions come from outside of him, But when self realized, he sees himself as the cause of his affliction, which led him into confession and therefore attracted restorations.
Again if the church is certain that Devil is the problem of mankind, why has the church not come up with general prayer and confessions seeking for the reconciliation between the Creator and Satan.
I am suggesting that to the church because I know that churches possesses powerful prayer warriors who will pray or intercede to the direct ears of Yahweh. That prayer of reconciliation will be necessary because if Yahweh and devil reconciles, and Satan being withdrawn from the earth, all problems will seize.

Prophet Yahzitere Yahmarabhi

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