
Your Questions Answered (2)

Oftentimes I get questions severally on issues bothering on life and death. But most of the questions I have received actually hinge on the ability of the individual to communicate with God and receive a feedback. Some of the questions also have to do with so many ‘whys’. For instance ‘why would God allow evil to thrive?’ ‘why would God allow x,y,z to happen?’ and so on and so forth.
All answers to questions are always within the individual only if we are prepared to get these ourselves. But since most of us do not possess the ability to get answers from within and are not willing to do so, we tend to depend on others to provide answers to question we have generated ourselves. For any individual who has the ability to ask some particular questions also possess the capacity to provide the answers from within.
However, I shall attempt to answer the following questions:
How can I learn how to interpret my dreams?
Our dreams are privileged information from God. Since we are all unique individuals in our own different ways our dreams also reflect that uniqueness. For us to interpret our dreams successfully, we must begin by understanding our dreams. But before we can understand our dreams, we need to understudy our dreams for a reasonable period of time. The following are the steps we can take to arrive at successful interpretation of our dreams.
First we must realize that everyone dreams as naturally as everyone breathing. Secondly we must realize that dreams are not a function of any religion. For individuals from various religion dream because of our direct link with the Holy Spirit, the voice of God. The first stage therefore is for us to monitor our dreams through what is known as a dream journal which is kept beside our bed every night when we go to sleep. We shall then attempt to write down our dreams as they occur every night.
Through observation we can then see a trend in the nature of our dreams as we record them every night. For some of us we hardly can remember our dreams while some of us have disjointed dreams. For either case we can sing HU (sung as Huuuuuee…..! in a long drawn out tone that coincides with the outward breath) before going to bed as the last activity. This will definitely enable our dreams have some form of clarity as singing HU enables us to link up with God directly and obtain information from God without any intermediaries.
Thirdly we can also learn how to create a dream dictionary where we can learn how to relate our dream symbols with our physical life activity. Remember that for any activity to take place physically it must first and foremost take place spiritually. Our dream dictionary can help us unravel the true meaning of our dreams if we date such symbols and wait for their manifestation.
Thirdly let us remember that dream study cannot be accomplished without the individual undergoing study from someone who knows the way. When an individual desires to become a medical doctor, he would decide to go to a school to learn how to become a doctor. There is no difference when it comes to dream study. Any individual who is seriously interested in the interpretation of his own dream (not another person’s dream), he can decide to make contact with the Dream Master whom God has appointed to teach those who are interested. It is an individual’s decision to make contact with the Dream Master spiritually. This is done by singing the Holy and sacred name of God HU, so that the contact can only be made spiritually and within a period of two years of Dream Study, the individual can be proficient at interpreting his own dreams.
Why would God allow evil to thrive?
God does not allow evil to thrive. It is due to our misunderstanding that we can term some actions as evil and some as loving. These are the two sides of the same coin.
We must look at these issues from a 360 degree viewpoint.
Soul exist because God loves It. This is the basic spiritual principle of existence. For if God does not love Soul it cannot exist. So if God loves Soul why does it have to go through all these pain and difficulties?
Soul is a spark of God. It shares the same attributes with God; omnipotence, omnipresence and omniscient but in a potent form. But for Soul to realize Its potency in a kinetic form Soul must learn this in a suitable environment. This environment that God has created for this learning is the lower worlds of space, time, matter and energy. Within these worlds, otherwise known as the physical, first, second, third and fourth heavens, soul must learn its catechism on divine love and its appropriation.
Soul is created as Light and Sound. For those who have eyes to see, Soul can be seen with the spiritual eyes as Light. But as soon as Soul is covered with the numerous sheaths, HU-man bodies or ‘uniforms’ for study in these worlds it forgets who it is and behaves as if it is only flesh and blood. Through its thoughts, words, actions and feelings, Soul activities are put into motion in the worlds of duality, the worlds of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ which is actually relative. Through spiritual laws especially Karma and Reincarnation, Soul is programmed to sow through its actions and live to reap whatever it has sewn. For lifetimes upon lifetimes, Soul keeps taking up new forms and bodies to continue to learn the lessons of life and love. This going and coming could take more than four million years.
So the things we see as ‘evil’ today might actually be a replay of past life activity.
How can we then call anything ‘evil’ if we do not know its spiritual history?

(To be continued)

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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