Soul Mate

MATCH MAKING: What You Need To Know About Sex

Several researchers have been carried out about sex. In this modern age, it will amount to a crime to be ignorant of some information about sex. Let us take this about to sample out some of the revelations about sex.
But first, let us pose this question. What do husband girls discuss more often? When it comes to these three things religion, money making, sex? What comes up most often in their private talks? In what order, that is, is it religion followed by money making and the sex? Or is it sex, money making and then religion? Or perhaps money making, religion and then sex? Please text your answers to any of the numbers below or by email state your age, sex, occupation, location and phone number
(Last line: Beware when you are in Hong Kong. If you are a man and you commit adultery, your wife could make you pay a lot for it your wife could make you pay a lot. Infact, she is legally permitted to kill you and go free. The only thing is that she can only kill you with her bare hand without using any weapon). Now let us get into the day’s issue, the things you need to know about sex.
(1) The size of a man’s organ” Does it matter? The funny thing is that those with small size complain of being inadequate and find ways to enlarge it. On the other hand, those with large ones fin it difficult to get their match that is those who can really prefer the large size!
The average size f a typical male organ is between 2-3 inches long when it is flaccid (not hard), and between 5-6 inches when it hard. However, some have lesser sizes, while others have larger sizes and that is where the problem lies.
The main issue is, if it fits your female partner and gives her pleasure then you have the right size for her. If she feels uncomfortable because of the size, then you must find solutions together. Don’t stick too much to intercourse alone. Your hands are also useful, including sex toys. If large, using lubricants can help a great deal. You cannot drive trailer into a garage built for a sports car! Adjustments must be made.
The clitoris: Most of the clitoris, that sensitive female organ that drive them crazy with pleasure, ……. Deep within the pelvis. It wraps around the vagina when erect to give the pleasure. What you see outside is just a tip of it. Surprisingly, the little tip you see has over 8,000 nerve fibres more than twice the number found in the head of the male organ.
Sperm is nutritious: It may sound strange, 15 calories of sperm has the same protein as the white of a large egg. It also has vitamin 4 calcium magnesium, potassium, vitamin B12 and zinc.
Sex keeps you healthy: If you have sex once or twice a weekly you boost your immune system because it increases the levels of immunes globulin A in the body. Immunoglobin A is anti body found in salva and mucous lining. It helps to stop colds and flu before they starts, by fighting the viruses off before they get past your nose or mouth.
Sex makes women more attractive: Having sex makes a woman’s estrogen level, double making her hair to shine more and the skin softer increases cheeks more rosy and lips redder. Sex is a quite beauty treatment for a lady.
Sex goes with STD: Over 80% of sexually active adults will contact sexually transmitted Disease (STD) at some point. Most STDs don’t show any symptoms and many don’t even know they have it. However, most people who contact an STD won’t suffer any negative effects as a result.
Birth Control Affects women: Studies have shown that woman on pills get less sexual satisfaction. However, they tend to maintain a longer relationship then those not taking it. They are happier without the sexual side of the relationship.
What you eat affects sperm: If you eat sugary fruits like pineapple, watermelon and others, the sperm becomes lighter while beer and coffee gives it a strong taste and bitter flavour. Meat and fish make it taste buttery and acidic fruits like plumgard liquor give it sugary flavour. Milk makes of taste foul. So choose what your lady likes.
Special Request: Bitrus, 43 years, from Plateau State, living in Port Harcourt, working as a security guard in a company, dark complexioned, needs a lady for marriage within this year. She should be between 35-40 years of age, from any part of Nigeria. If interested, please call 08078969123. ####

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