Soul Mate

COUNSELLING: Happy Marriage Secrets

In the last edition of Soul Mate we discussed about “How To Propose To A woman”. You very well know that it is just the first step. Getting a lady to be your lover, your wife maybe easy. The difficult part of it is staying with the same lady for the rest of your life.
Living with a woman for ever or for several years is not due to your wealth or being handsome or the position you occupy in the society. If it is wealth, then rich man will not experience divorce. If it is being handsome, then only ugly people will experience broken marriage. It goes beyond that.
Forget about the happy marriages you watch on the television. Those are acted happy marriages you watch on the television. Those are acted happy marriages. It takes a lot of things to make a marriage lost long. So involved much endurance, patience, tolerance are in addition to other aspects, to makes marriage last several years.
Being unprepared for change: – At the beginning of a courtship or marriage, you hear something like “I love you just the way you are: please don’t ever change remain like this. “This is the most unrealistic thing to expect from anyone. In the first place, the very character the person exhibited to you depends on what you were when you first met and what the person wants to achieve.
Many fake character, just to get you. It is the same for man and woman. Most times, we pretend to achieve our goal. It is unreasonable to think that your lady or your man will ever remain the same for ever and ever. Except you felt that your partner is God that never changes, you must feel that the persons moods, attitude, or any other aspect, changes almost every day. The truth is that there are some times your lover, doesn’t want to see you. It maybe for an hour or day, but he or she maybe better with you for one reason or the other, the way you are better or happy with your child sometimes. Your being better with your child is not an indication that you hate your child. No, it just reflects a reaction of the child’s action of the period.
The same is true of lover. People changes and change is the only constant thing in life. Your recognition of the fact of life is what makes marriages last. If you fail to change and accept the present reality holding on to the very same thing you know of him or her and expecting it to be unchangeable, you will meet with failure.
If you want a happy marriage change with the changing times. Don’t hold on too much to what you know of your spouse. Like the …….. and ebb of the tide, his or her mood changes, so take a long a cure, find a common ground and you will have a long lasting marriage.
Dear Soul Mate fans, if you want a successful marriage and wiling to celebrate 50 years or 60 years of marriage life, then you must change with the changing times. Remember, your husband or wife be an ardent Christian or Muslim, when you were marrying. There is the possibility of him or her changing after some years. This is a fact of life. If you insist that he or she must remain the some person several years ago, then be prepared to marry another man or woman. Is it him or her you love and want to marry or whatever or she stood for? Think well before you act. Change s the only constant thing in life.
Ask all husbands or wives of successful marriages they will tell you that endurance, patience and tolerance were what held their marriages together. No human being acts the same way for ever and ever. Look for that thing you like in your spouse. Finally there is something to love in or her. The day you are blind to any good aspect of your spouse, is the day you want the marriage to break up. You are not perfect, so don’t expect your partner to be perfect. If you try and play together, stay together, find a sport or hobby that you both love and make that a priority in your relationship, you will enjoy a happy marriage. Be blind to the faults of your spouses see and acknowledge the good parts (everyone had some) and you will be happy too. That fault is in you, not in your spouse. It is a bitter pill to swallow, but it is the only pill achieves a healthy married life.
Remember during courtship, your woman or man is perfect and the most beautiful or handsome. However, after marriage, you will then observe that her neck or his neck was just glued to his shoulders. Your perception of him or her in most cases changes. You alone will determine whether you will continue or not. Goodluck

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