
After Death, What Next?

As it was written earlier life does not begin with birth nor does it end with death of the physical body.
So most of us can take solace in the fact that we can surely see our loved ones again. The only barrier is the limitation imposed by our various religions. All religions are created and allowed by God Almighty to allow souls with their different levels of understanding to communicate with God. But the religions correspond to the different levels of heavens and therefore different levels of understanding of God. Though each adherent will like to believe theirs is the only way
Hence some of us feel death is the end of life. But this is not really the truth.
Soul is a spark of God. It is eternal, indestructible and it is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. In the pure heavens of God where no time exist, Soul is beyond time. But when it descends into the lower heavens of space, energy, time and matter, it begins to relate everything it partakes of in relation to its opposites. Man and woman, hills and valleys, day and night, birth and death, short and tall. This is in accordance to the laws of manifestation in the lower worlds of creation.
So when soul is enfolded with the various bodies or sheaths or uniforms to enable it participate in the lower worlds it does not make the body covering more real than soul, the owner of the body that is created in the image and likeness of God. For these bodies as real as they look to us in flesh and blood are actually illusions created for activities to continue in the lower worlds.
It is like a man who walks into a theatre to watch a film that was acted. Though he knows that the film is not real but the feelings he derives from the actions transmitted by the film are real. This is why some of us cry when we watch movies despite the fact that we know they are illusions.
Soul is equally the actor and spectator in this illusory film of life. It has the ability to change the course of his life only if he knew how to contact the Creator or those who are in charge of his life only if he wants to.
Soul when descending into these lower worlds, Soul is shown what he is expected to accomplish then it is enfolded in the small body of a baby. While at a young age on earth here, It occasionally leaves the body to journey back into the worlds of God where he came from through dreams. But as the child grows up he is tutored in the ways of the ordinary hu-man being and the child gradually forgets the spiritual mode of communicating through the inner channels and he is taught how to be an ‘objective man’. The more he is influenced in the ways of worldly religions, the more he forgets about the spiritual aspect of himself and even his daily dreams. By the time he becomes a full adult, he is fully entrenched in the ways of the physical man and he becomes a pawn in the hands the various ‘men of god’ who will further teach him the ways of the ordinary man.
These ‘men of god’ would teach him and convince him that prayer can change the laws of God and make God to favor Nigeria in a match against Brazil if even Nigeria did not prepare well. The people will teach him how to pray to God for rain while about a kilometer away another child of God is praying to God so that rain would not fall lest his house will be flooded. They will teach man that when man dies as a righteous man he would go to the heavens of God but they will not teach him about the body he will use for the journey. This is because they do not know. They will also teach the worldly man that evil men will be cast into eternal fire but they are the last to cast their own children into any little fire on earth here.
But the worldly man fails to pause to ask; God why am I here, what is the purpose of my life here?
But when death comes we all cry. There is nothing wrong in crying when we lose loved ones but there is something wrong if we feel and believe death is final.
So after death, what next?
I was at the mortuary sometime in the past, in the physical world at the military hospital to do the routine check on the lifeless body of my late father. Later in the night, after my spiritual exercises, I was invited by my Spiritual Coach, My Guardian Angel (for want of a familiar word) into the First Heaven, where Souls are judged after death. Making use of the Soul Body, we were in the Court of Yama, the judge of the dead. There I could see various HU-man beings who had just dropped their HU-man bodies and are awaiting judgment. But not the judgment we are taught here in the lower worlds. For the judgment was swift and without any pleading and there was no sadness either. For within soul is an equipment that is known as Conscience that records all our thoughts, words, feelings and actions much more accurate that the 21st century computer or IPad. Come to think of it, if man could build an item as versatile as the computer would it be too difficult for God to build an item that has the capacity to record all our thoughts, words and actions?
I saw one of the judges raise a book and all negative and positive actions of my late father was read to him and he was ‘sentenced’ to a place where he was required to rest until he was strong enough to reincarnate into the lower worlds again to continue his spiritual education in the University of life otherwise known as the University of Hard Knocks.
It is called so because man only learns by force or through pain.
So while we mourn the death of our loved once, let us take solace that we can contact them wherever they are. Love is the pathway that can lead us to them. Usually most souls are residing in the first heaven where they can see what is going on here but we cannot see what is going on there except with our spiritual eyes, the eyes of soul.
So those children of God who have learnt the ways of the Holy Spirit actually visit the heavens of God while they are still alive simply because they have learnt to ‘die daily’ while still living in the HU-man body. They actually have the ability to go beyond the First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Heavens and journey deep into the pure heavens of God. For the path that leads to the heavens of God is within the body of man. The Spiritual Coach, the Godman has the singular ability to show man the way so that when man dies or drops the Human body, he would have developed the ability to leave the body at will to visit the heavens of God while still alive. Anyone who says one has to die to visit the heavens of God surely does not know the way.

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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