
Dana Air Crash, The Bitter Part

Activities of man on the planet earth are what make histories. In 2006, there was a Sosoliso air crash that caused untold hardship to some families till date. Though the memory of the past has become faint; but has not left the memories of people whose family members were victims, On Sunday the 3rd of June, 2012, when Nigerians are supposed to be celebrating with the Super Eagles who miraculously got victory during the world cup qualifying march played at Calabar Stadium. Suddenly, Nigerians were thrown into heart breaking pandemonium. The news came around without wasting time that DANA aero plane en-routing from Abuja to Lagos crashed at the suburb of Lagos, with 153 passengers on board. As if it was not enough, another cargo aero plane from Nigeria crash-landed in Accra, Ghana, killing four people out of eight on board.
Indeed, every human sense of communication was tuned to get the least report from the crash scene. The Federal and Lagos State emergency agencies swung into action immediately to rescue and evacuate people from the scene of the crash. The aero plane crash-landed and destroyed houses and killed people also. It is hard to believe and see the wreckage of the crash.
Thus, investigation started without delay to know the number of passengers on board. It was gathered immediately that one hundred and fifty three people were on board. And the thought that came to mind was that they were all dead. What a tragedy? What a horror? Human beings were burnt beyond recognition. List was released to know the names of people on board, not of salary payment but to ascertain the number of casualties. People were watching to see the victims. Some whose names appeared bought the ticket but did not board the aero plane. And there was a sigh of relief in such families.
But those whose loved ones were victims began to scream without a stop. Who will console who? There was panic across the breadth and width of Nigeria. Another air crash of sorrow and death in Nigeria again? God save us! Nigeria was thrown into deep mourning. Every media house in the world directed its tentacle to Nigeria to investigate and to get the hottest story of the week. Some families are faced with irreparable loss. The news kept moving. Air crash again? Nigerians do not need it for it has caused untold hardship to many families in the past. The horrific scene of the crash caused tears to fall without a gun shot.
The president, Dr. Goodluck Jonathan with the governor of Lagos State, Babatunde Raji Fashola, visited the scene of the crash. The Nigerian Government under the leadership of president Goodluck Jonathan has directed the Nigerian flag to be flown at half mast, declared three-day mourning for the victims, suspension of all government ceremonies and the withdrawal of licence of DANA airplane. It is a national tragedy.
It was reported that the black box has been recovered. The damage is done and families of victims are gnashing their teeth. It is not easy to miss loved ones. Recently there was police helicopter crash in Jos which killed one of the top promising police officers, John Haruna. Air crash is the most terrible accident in the world. That is why companies involved in air transport must be safety conscious at every given time of their operation. Because any malfunction of any part of the aero plane while on air leads to disaster of the highest order. The continual air crash in Nigeria is giving room and causing panic while boarding plane. Recently, the National Assembly debated that fare paid by passengers in air transport should be reviewed and reduced as Nigerians are seen to be paying much fare on a short journey.
The monitoring of our planes operating in the country should not be only when there is air crash, it should be a monthly or weekly monitoring of the air crafts in the country. This is a mourning period for Nigeria. And there is need to avoid such heart-breaking occurrences where Nigerians lose their loved ones in seconds. The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority should supervise the air-crafts to know their worthiness. There is no need to play game with human life. Corruption must be checked in the aviation industry. Nigeria has about four viable airports though aero planes do not take off every ten minutes. And that is the reason why our air space must be the safest in the world.
The United States of America has well over four thousand air ports and aero planes take off every one minute. But hardly do you hear of monthly or yearly air crash when such a country should be a home of air disaster every week. United States of America has over two thousand cities with air ports. There are private jets in America and the government regulates safety measures and every operator obeys it to the last. But here in Nigeria, some air operators avoid paying taxes to the government. Companies operating in our air space should not be put under serious scrutiny only when there is air crash that claims hundreds of lives.
The air crash today has made some homeless, fatherless, motherless and some orphans. And worst still, some families were wiped off. It is time for Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority to go into serious examination of the aero planes operating in the country. The ones that do not meet the safety standards should be grounded without delay. The Nigerian air space should be the best in the world considering the good climatic condition of the country. Some nations of the world have severe climatic condition that sometimes lead to the grounding of air crafts from taking off.
Yes, there can be air crash, but not of this magnitude that we see in the Country. We do not have too much air planes in our air space that will lead to incessant air crashes. There can be emergency landing to avoid total loss of people. In Europe, precisely Sweden, a snake was found in the cockpit which resulted to emergency landing. There is no crime in emergency landing. Today, Nigerians are waiting for what the black box will come out with. But of what use will that be to the dead and the families who have lost their loved ones in the crash? Safety should be the watch word of air liners in Nigeria as it is seen in other parts of the world.
May their gentle souls rest in peace.

Frank Eneawail Ogwuonuonu

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