Soul Mate


How To Propose To A Woman

As usual, the Soul Mate column will provide for our love birds, all that is required for a happy love life. In a bid to do this to the satisfaction of all, we heed your advises and present the topics for discussion, accordingly.
This week, due to popular demand, we present to you the several ways of proposing to a woman. We agree with those who insisted we take up this topic, because many men have lost their loved ones to other experienced suitors because of lack of the know-how to propose to a lady.
You are all familiar with the old story about a suitor who lost his heart-throb to a bolder person. All the same, let us repeat it here, just to refresh your minds and also let others know that their experiences have been had by others too.
A Youngman once admired a young lady. He was so much in love with her that he visited her home frequently.
The lady lived with her loving parents and after several visits, the man was accepted into the family as a family friend.
The man helps the lady in her domestic works, plays with the entire family, do all things together with them and sit on the dining table with them. Being very shy, the man was not brave enough to voice out his intentions, which was to have the lady as his wife.
Of course, the lady and the family knew deep in their hearts that he loves the lady, considering how he admires her, plays with her, showers her with gifts and helps her out with her domestic works. However, after several months, they felt perhaps they were making a mistake and that he has no intention to marry her.
One day the man came to the house with one of his friends. When the friend saw the lady, he fell in love with her immediately.
The next day, he came with his friend and without dilly-dallying, asked the parents for their daughter’s hand in marriage. The parents, who have never had a counter proposition, accepted and asked him to come along with his parents. That was when the shy man got up and said “No, she is my wife, I have been coming here just because of her.”

The father told him, “Sorry son, I have already promised the young man my daughter’s hand in marriage. You have been with us for long and never told us of your intentions. He is the first to state his mission and we cannot go back on our words.”
The Soul Mate column wants to avoid this and so here, we present to you the several ways of proposing to a lady. Take heart, go for what you want and have it.
Researchers have recommended the following steps:

1) Think First: – Do you really want her? Will you really, sincerely, stay with her for the rest of your life?

2) Remember, it is a big step to take and it is possible others have had a go at her. Write down, if possible, all the reasons you have to want to marry her. Remember, marriage is a serious business. It will help you when expressing your love to her as you propose. It will also help you to feel that you really love her and is making the right decision. Remember, don’t ever discuss this with your friends, as it may be leaked to her by rumour mongers. Prepare yourself as to how you want the wedding to be. Remember, we are not talking about boyfriend and girlfriend relationship in the Soul Mate. You must know how long you would stay before the actual wedding. She may have her own ideas also.

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