
Tips for Clean Healthy Environment

Soiling is the accidental passage of feaces stool or motions as a direct result of chronic long term constipation. Regular soiling incident occur in about 1 in 75 children age 6-10.
How can a child be soiling if they constipated? What happened is that some stools can by pass the larger one in the bowels or some stools can break away and leak out.
Soiling may be the first symptom of constipation that the child has. In fact chronic (long term) constipation is said to be the cause soiling in 95% of affected children.
It is important to remember that a child has no control over this, happening so the su hng is never the child’s fault.

Daytime wetting affects many young people aged 5-16. It can often be the cause of great shame, anxiety and stress. Wetting your pants in class, for example can be seen as a major disaster Parents! cares and teachers should not underestimate the impact’ day time wetting.
The majority of children achieved full bladder control b the time they are 4 years but some children can take a bit longer without there being any clinical physical cause.
However for a small number of children, day time wetting occurs as a result of underlying bladder problem. It is wise for these children to be seen by a doctor. If children do not drink adequately during the day, their urine becomes concentrated. This can irritate the bladder and may contribute to day time wetting. Not drinking enough can also reduce the amount of urine the bladder can hold.

The bladder is a muscular bag that acts as a reservoir to stores and expel urine. A few people will have bladder muscles that are “over-reactive” a term used when the bladder contracts before it is full, this give the sensation of needing to go urgently.
The following thing can irritate bladders and cause it to empty before it is full.

Emeka Jilly Ejiowhor

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Tips for Clean Healthy Environment



