
You & Your Health

? Acne: its powerful cleansing properties are effective in detoxifying the liver. Thus, overall effective for acne which are cause by the toxicity of the blood.
? Anemia: carrots molecules are closest to human’s hemoglobin molecules making it very beneficial in blood building.
? Arthrosclerosis: the highly cleansing power of this miracle juice scrubs away even the oldest build-up of Arthurian deposit reducing the risk of heart diseases and stroke.
? Asthma: the anti-oxidant effectively protects the respiratory system from infectious and free radical attacks.
? Cancer: studies show that adding one cancer in our daily diet significantly reduces cancer risks.
? Congestion: carrot juice is very effective in dispelling mucus in the ears, nose and throat areas, easing nasal congestions, sinusitis flames and mucus in the throat and other similar disorders.
? Constipation: take five part of juice with one part of spinach juice regularly to regulate chronic constipation problems.
? Emphysema: if you smoke or are expose to second hand smoke, taking carrot juice regularly may well save your life.
? Eyes: Beta-carotene lufene and zeaxanthin are some of the finest nourishment that helps keeps the optic system in tip-top condition with special protection against stigmatism, muscular degeneration and cataract.
? Fertility: one of the reasons for fertility is lack of nutrients and enzymes in your dietary. Carrot juice taking regularly is able to nourish your body back to fertility.
? Inflammation: it’s an anti-inflammatory effect greatly helps to reduce arthritis, rheumatism, gout and other inflammations.
? Immunity system: It does wonders for boosting the immune system by increasing the performance of white blood cells, building resistance to various kinds of infections
? Nursing mothers: Carrot juice helps enhance the quality and quantity of a mothers breast milk.
? Pregnancy: Drinking carrot juice regularly during pregnancy especially during the level of last few months will reduce the chances of jaundice in babies.
? Skin problems: The high quantity of vitamin C and nutrients in carrot juice efficiently nourish the skin preventing dry skin, psoriasis and skin blemishes.
? Trade worms: One small cup of carrot juice taken daily can help clear trade worms in children.
? Ulcers: The abundance of nutrients present in carrot helps nourish cells that have been starved of nutrients which result in ulcer.
? Water retention: carrot juice is diuretic and helps to eliminate excess fluid from the body especially for women reducing their monthly menstrual cycle and in pregnant women.
? Cholesterol: Pectin in carrot lows the serum cholesterol level.
? Connection: carrot juice is very effective in dispelling mucus in the ears, nose throat.
? Constipation: Take 5 [arts of juice with one part of spinach juice regularly to regulate chronic constipation problems.
Carrots are naturally low in salt. To stay healthy and reduce your risk of getting high blood pressure, nutrition expert recommend having no more than 6g of salt a day. An 80g serving of cooked carrots contain just 0.1g salt, providing you haven’t added salt to the cooking water
Carrots are high in fiber, carrots are packed with fiber which helps keeps the digestive system healthy and helps balance blood sugar levels. Fiber also helps you to feel fuller for longer so you find it easier to maintain your weight. An 80g serving of cooked carrot contains 2g fiber- more than a tenth of the recommended daily amount for adults.
Carrot helps boost our intake of vitamin which aids the growth of healthy bones and teeth. Carrots are packed with a nutrient called beta-carotene which is converted into a vitamin A by the body.
Carrots are actually one of the best sources of beta carotene. An 80g serving of cooked carrots contains more than twice the recommended daily amount (RDA) of vitamin A equivalent needed by adults. This is good news as many children and adults have poor intakes of this nutrient.
Carrots may help you see in the dark, Beta carotene found in large amounts in carrots is converted into vitamin A in the body and this vitamin is vital for healthy vision. Vitamin A works its eye health magic by being transformed into a purple pigment magic called rhodopsin in the retina and this pigment is essential for vision in dim light.
Carrots are great for healthy, younger looking skin Beta carotene is also an important antioxidant nutrient. This is great news for our skin as its antioxidant action may help to act against age accelerating free radicals, so that skin remains healthy and elastic. Carrot may helps to protect your skin from skin damage when taken on a regular basis, beta carotene can help to protect skin from excessive ultra-violet (UV) radiation and sunburn.
Carrot help to keep your immune system strong, vitamin A is essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. This nutrient keeps the skin and cells that line the airways digestive track and urinary tract healthy, so they act as barriers and form the body’s first line of defense against infection. Adding a little fat enhance the goodness of carrots in salad. It might come as a surprise to learn that a little fat in your salad benefits both taste and health. Research from Ohio State University in America found that more carotenoids such as beta-carotene were absorbed when a fresh salad consisting of carrots, lettuce, spinach and cherry tomatoes was eaten with full-fat salad.

Dr. Tonifelix C. Manu

08035458212, 08093051862

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