
Tips for Clean Healthy Environment

Health Effect Of Poor Toilet
These are health effect of poor toilet.
Bowel problem:
Soiling (as a result – long term constipation)
Bladder problems
Dating waiting
Increased risk for vulnerable children of worsening of overactive bladder.
Worsening of over active bladder Development of residual urine left in the bladder urinary track infection
Inability to empty the bladder properly due to muscular problems (known as dysfunctional voiding bedwetting).

Among the most cost of common cause of constipation on student includes:

* Not going to the toilet when they need to.
* Dehydration
* Lack of fiber in the diet
* Lack of regular exercise

If children don’t empty bowels when they feel the need to, then the stools are drawn back up into the bowel and urge to go disappears. If this is done frequently enough, stools build up and constipation results. As the body grow use to carrying more stools, the bowel gets less efficient at signaling to empty. This lead to repeat bout of constipation.
Constipation is also cause by dehydration. As water is very precious, the large bowel normally absorbs a lot of the water back into the body so that all that left is nearly solid waste (stools). When the body is dehydrated however, the body conserves the water it has by taking extra water than normal from the large bowel. This result in dry and hard stools which are difficult to pass.

Emeka Jilly Ejiowhor

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