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Pastor Gbenga Terebo Harps On Wisdom For Business Exploit

Pastor Gbenga Terebo was the guest speaker at a business summit organized by Satellite Network Ministry (SNM), Foundation Faith Church, Borikiri Sandfilled, Port Harcourt, on Sunday 27 May, 2012.
He spoke on the theme: “Wisdom for Business Exploit” Drawing copiously from the following Bible passage: Luke 16:13,21, Proverbs 19:3, Isaiah 5:1-7, Romans 12:2 and I Timothy 6:10, the cleric warned the congregation to covenant their businesses to the Almighty God, if they care to succeed.
He said God’s desire was to enable his children become comfortable and in turn, be a comforter to some other person. Saying that to become comfortable and live a life of choices, money was the answer. Inspite of this fact, he warned that the congregation should not turn away from God because of the love for money.
He counseled further that people should be focused in life and use their brains properly to help them to do exploit and that God hasn’t created anyone without a talent.
He used himself as an example of a person that was so deprived as a child but surmounted those challenges to make it in life. The cleric admonished “every one to liberate his mind, hate and desist from wearing poverty as a petty coat”.
Expatiating further, the man of God said to do well in business, we should rebrand, refrain from lying to ourselves, have good character, reputation and vision just like the “newly born again” Christian who has given himself up to Christ Jesus.
He reminded the congregation that the time we pass through this earth is so small a portion, compared to the portion that awaits us in eternity, and for that reason, we should allow God to be in our vision.
The cleric expected persons aspiring to do business to apply the right principles in order to generate money.
Enumerating the principles, the man of God said it was important to create a niche, for example, in certain area of marketing not covered, choose a business name that tallies with ones area of business, coin a name that is easily invocative, do a simple business registration, know the basic skills of accounting and keep record of ones expenses while trying not to touch the business capital.
Other areas further mentioned include having a mentor, making ones business robust by writing down ones vision, do a business you have researched, talk about the business you do intelligently for people to patronize you, build your integrity, be courageous, make technology your knowledge by learning the basic skills of computer, manage your time and be disciplined, don’t promise what you cannot deliver and work beyond the ordinary to make it.
Identify your area of strength and weakness, be bold to conquer and be determined to succeed because God shall surely bless any one in his own time and terms.
Commenting on the area of raising capital for business, the cleric opined that one should self start a business by selling some of his assets, consult relations and friends as well as mentors for fund and develop what he called entrepreneurial mentality.
He further warned that one should protect his idea in business before putting it into practice.
In this regard, he was of the opinion that one should be careful parting with ones equity, noting that one should also leverage on other peoples knowledge, funds etc to make it in business.
He also added that the result of business does not come easily, in most cases, it takes up to 3 years to materialize.
Turning to the congregation, the man of God posed the question as to why some people are rich and some poor. He said that the poor do the exact opposite of what the rich do. For example, he said that when the rich is up dating his knowledge by reading, doing research, attending seminars and workshops some poor people are occupied with lustful ideas and living a riotous life. He advised that one should develop his mind and recognize what God has deposited in him.
He revealed that only 5% of human beings remained creative after age 25 years, stressing that one is 50% successful, if one wakes up in the morning, knowing where to go.
He asserted that the word work appeared 564 times in the Bible and that a man should not eat until he works.
Commenting on labour employment, he strongly advised people not to chain themselves to paid employment. He illustrated how 100 government workers in paid employment in the USA, they were monitored for 40years, and a stunning statistical result gotten, showed that 1 person out of a hundred succeeded, 4 persons were financially secured, 5 persons worked up to the age of retirement, 36 persons were dead before retirement while 54 persons depended on friends for fund to augment. The result he said, recorded a 95% failure rate and only 5% success, warning that married men were worse hit by this scenario, because they were the breadwinner that every one depended for their up keep, in a household.
Expatiating further, concerning the area of discipline in business, Pastor Gbenga choose to illustrate with examples. He stated that the bees make a trip of above three million times to get the materials to make a pint of honey.
Talking about the spider and its web, he said that when the web is made, it catches its prey and not the spider that made it, because it has an oiled feet that enable it to glide, on its web to avoid being caught.
He veered into human beings, citing an example of Wendy stoker, who was somebody without two hands yet was able to learn to type 40 words per minute with her toes on a typewriter.
The cleric went further to say, that it took Webster 36 years of his life to put the Webster Dictionary together. Again, he mentioned the case of Mr. S. Honda, maker of Honda vehicles, who after the cessation of 2′ World War in 1945, wrote 300 applications seeking for employed job that was illusive.
Honda never gave up in life but continued to strive to become an automobile manufacturer of no mean repute in the World.
He counseled every one to refuse no for an answer. stressing that if anyone says one cannot make it in life, say no, one can make it, warning that one should avoid being overwhelmed in a state of helplessness.
He said one should have hope because to divorce hope is to marry frustration. Stating that Christians are supposed to be new creatures in Christ as well as being gods, who should know their place in destiny
The cleric warned that no one should despair for God specializes in turning around situations and that we should strive to be in the good books of God, because God Almighty judges failure.###
By Azuka Dibie

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