
Is God A Pagan Idol?

Excuse me, will the Grace of Yahweh not reward the law breakers with eternal life, since Yahoshea’s death had abolished all sins of mankind? Excuse me, My dear children, listen to me your Spiritual Scientist. A gift is something given freely to show friendship, affection, love or favour, thus our mortal life was given to us freely; for we did nothing to earn it. Therefore the gift of Yahweh, Divine-Spirit is a gift to a person who has the true knowledge and understanding of Yahweh’s laws, but not to wilful law-breakers.
Yahoshea Meshiyach said, “the words that I speak are spirit and life”. Since Yahweh’s laws are spiritual laws, thus we must have His laws abiding in us. So that by obeying His Jaws in order to have Him (as a spirit) dwelling in us. Because He (Yahweh is called Spirit of Truth; of which only law keepers must have it. It is only by having Yahweh (the Divine Spirit) that you can have the truth that can set you free.
Now, many people that were honestly deceived into paganism have discovered that they were not serving Yahweh the Grand Creator and are coming out of paganism And what of you? Don’t be deceived, if you want to enter into life-age-abiding, then you must be a law keeper; so all who profess they know Yahweh or have accepted Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach as their personal Saviour, but refuse to keep to Yahweh’s simple laws are liars, for you can not love Him (Yahweh) without keeping to His laws.
Excuse me, sin is nothing than transgression of the Jaw; so any that transgresses the law of Yahweh can not have eternal life. Excuse me, know ye today that Grace is something granted as favour or mercy or clemency, as a temporary exemption, towards men (-mankind) to be set free from the penalty of Death. Grace simply means forgiveness of one’s sins, but the culprit must first of all repent and ask Yahweh for forgiveness to the one’s disobedience to Yahweh’s laws. Therefore all who preach that the laws of Yahweh had been abolished at Calvary when Yahoshea Meshiyach was impaled are only honestly deceiving people into eternal death. For the earlier you moved out of paganism the better; for churchianity will only lead you to eternal death, with their good-for nothing
doctrine; dogmas and creeds. Listen, Yahoahe Meshlyach says that He knows His own and they also know Him.
What does Yahoshea mean by these words? Yes, He only means that all who are ripe only can easily come to Him as soon as His personal name is mentioned, those are the people that Yahweh His Father has prepared for Him at that moment. Are you one of them? For only His that are happy whenever they hear any proclaiming the Sacred names, Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach; but all who are not fox Him at that moment must oppose the Sacred names.
For all who are set .free respond at any time they hear of Yahweh’s and Yahoshea Meshiyach’s personal names. Such people are repented people, out from their old nature, behold they are new creatures, all things had become new; and the old nature is destroyed. So it is Yahweh’s law that separates the righteous from the sinner, so know as from date that you only earn your Reward of Eternal Life through hard work, but not by your ordinary lips service.
Your Reward of eternal-life must obviously be your own making, without that you forget eternal life. But since there is no vacuum in nature, if you do not get eternal life, then you must get eternal death, which of the two do you choose, eternal death or eternal life; attach “eternal” to either and there you
Excuse me, I hope you have known that eternal life is not a free gift for doing nothing, nor Grace is a gift just by. lip service as many of churchianity claim. No wonder churches pray for armed-robbers or murderers to be executed, so that they can have eternal life? Millions fall into disobeying Yahweh’s laws because of preachers who are hired to preach or sell lies to the public; so if you want to remain under the Grace of Yahweh, then you must keep to His laws. Excuse me, what are the laws of Yahweh that give you Grace as to qualify you for eternal life?

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