
Is God A Pagan Idol?

The four keys that unlock or open the treasury of the Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach which people call the women or men of the organization magicians are these: (a) We worship on the Sabbath of Yahweh (Saturday); (b) in the two sacred names, Yahweh through Yahoshea Meshiyach (c) We love our fellow human-beings more than ourselves and (d) We proclaim the Word with boldness or authority. And Yahweh who sees the hearts, confirms that it is not just lip service, and grants our requests and those who don’t know call it occult or magic. By these miraculous works all humanity know that Yahweh or Yahoshea exists. Take note, we do not advertise our healings, instead, we warn those benefited to keep seal-lips. And we do not invite any for healing, because the rules of healing are no exceptional. Either the patient has faith or those who bring him, have, because without faith, you can not please Yahweh Modern healing practitioners can not heal because they go against the rules. And one of the reasons the penticostal churches do not heal is because of too much money-mindedness. As soon as-you demand money from the sick, those that have burdens that want some one to take them away from them, the healing force or power of Yahweh will not work again.
Why should the Penticostal Churches collect money on the Crusade ground? I heard one of them even warned the people not to give less than five (N5.000) naira, and that his God was a rich God. He also asked people to surrender their Car keys or Motor Cycles to his Church. Thirdly, he asked the people to give him money for his Cathedral Church. Some of these Churches make their members do their farm works freely, they call it “Jesus Christ or Kingdom Farm” why? So the Word is commercialized.
Now many principals of Schools, Government Workers who retired are going into the Churches as ministers, just because it is the most lucrative venture with the present position of things in Nigeria. But do their sermons change the people? No, they can not change any soul just because they do not give the right Word that can satisfy the Spiritual Hunger of the people. The people want names that can save them, that is why the two Ineffable names Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach are laid as premium in the Yahoshean doctrine as the only saving names for mankind; for at the Sacred names of Yahweh and Yahoshea, all knees shall bow down Indeed faith without work is dead, Because, believing is seeing. “And there is Salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12). if the name Jesus Christ and his blood has power as Christians claim, there could have been no sick people in hospitals and clinics again. Yes, the prison wards and the law enforcement agents could have closed because the more the churches preach of their born-again doctrines the more criminals are enrolling daily, why?
This is the result that the Pentecostal Churches are not chasing the posium but they are rabbit chasers. They profess to be workers sent by Yahweh, but they turn round to collect money from the poor sick ones in their midst, thereby commercializing the word Therefore Yahweh has withdrawn His power or force in them so they become spiritually anemic . -How can a posium dog- in- the course of pursuing through a posium trail see a rabbit trail and leave the posium trail for the rabbit? What are these so called rabbits to the Kingdom of Yahweh? It can be a girl, money, position, appointment, men, pleasure, education, marriages, riches, wealth, properties, friends, employment, dresses, food and drinks. Excuse me, what do you mean by Posium or Posium Dogs?
This can-be compared to Elephant, Green Whale, Cow. Therefore a posium dog is a dog that will never miss any big animal that comes in contact with it. It will always trail the posium if possible and can never leave the posium trail for a rabbit trail, Meaning it will only pursue the word of Yahweh and Yahoshea to the (Goal) to the End.; not minding what happens. But like the colonial masters, they held the Bible in their left hand and held the Gun in their right hand either you accept their doctrine, dogmas and creeds or you are killed; thus acquiring lands for their so-called churches, but they set their trading companies, cheated many people’s landed properties.. Presently, that is exactly what the Penticostal Churches are doing, giving a plot of land to the Church means taking the whole land from the owner in few years time, why? Yet these are the very churches that train their members to be disturbing people in the public transports with their meaningless lectures thus, “Repent from your sins or you will be put into Hell-Fire”. Amargaddon is near and Born again doctrines. Excuse me, No mortal can claim that he or she has been born again, but mortals can be begotten. Simple and clear
Excuse me, as a spiritual scientist, the doctrine of Hell-Fire, Armageddon, Satan or devil, Cain and Abel Story are all myths.
Excuse me, Revelation Chapter 22:18 arid 19 says, “If any one adds to them, Yahweh shall add to him the plagues which ate written in the book, and if any one takes away from the Words of this book of prophecy; Yahweh shall take, away his part from the tree of life and from the holy City, which are written in the book”
Excuse me, Prophet Yeremiah (Jeremiah) also said. “How can you (Hebrews) say we are wise, and the law of Yahweh is with us? But behold, the lying pen of the scribes has made it into a lie. The wise men are put to shame. they are dismayed and caught; Behold, they have rejected the Word of Yahweh And what kind of wisdom do they have?
Excuse me, Emperor Constantine, that brought the State and the Church together, did a very good work, but since he had no authority to change Yahweh’s law, he erred spiritually. But Revelation Chapter 22 verses 18 and 19 had spoken so strongly about plagues and deletion of culprits’ names infliction of such people with even nameless diseases. Excuse me, let us read Deuteronomy Chapter 28:1-14. This entails blessings for all who obey Yahweh’s commandments, but verse 15 through 67 are nothing than curses for law breakers.

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