
Dreams Of Past Lives

Everyone has lived before. But unfortunately religion has made some of us to believe that this life is only lived once after which the individual retires to heaven eternally. If this is true, then one wonders what life is all about.
For instance if life is only lived once what happens to the life of a newly born baby that dies two hours later, what manner of life?
If it is true that man only lives once and dies to go to heaven which body is man going to go to heaven with after his physical body rots away?
If man is so sure of going to heaven in all righteousness, how come man refuses to die at the slightest opportunity provided by death? It is possible that we know intrinsically that such reasoning is not true?
Before the advent of the white man and his religion, different cultures across Nigeria believed and have evidences that man lives more than one life. There are records of children being born so many times that marks are then put on such children who then reincarnate with such marks as evidence that they were capable of coming to life several times.
Reincarnation therefore, to the spiritual student is a statement of truth.
For through Karma and Reincarnation, God regulates all the activities of all the creations of God including that of Human beings. Therefore all our thoughts, words and actions are regulated by this all encompassing law of God.
However this law of Karma is an aspect of the law of Love. For the intention is not to punish but to purify the individual in such a way that his thoughts words and deeds become so refined that his only interface with others is to uplift them spiritually.
This law of Karma is also expressed as ‘you reap what you sow’. When man dies before reaping, he reincarnates back into the same circumstances that would enable the individual to do the ‘reaping’ alongside other individuals who partook in the original actions.
The law of karma is thus so comprehensive.
How does it apply to our discussion of past lives?
If the individual makes a list of his likes and dislikes he can ask God for the origin of such likes and dislikes. The individual could also have fears about heights, water, aero planes or flying. Such fears are usually carry-over from occurrences in past lives.
Dreams of past lives therefore provide us with the opportunities for unraveling such ministries.
For instance this writer moved into a new apartment in a mini-estate within the Port Harcourt area. As I was offloading my stuff, preparing to occupy my new apartment, my dog leapt out from the back of the truck and fought the two other dogs that were inside the compound. This fighting which began from the day I moved in continued till the day I moved out.
Could it be possible that ‘mere pets’ could cause issues between tenant and landlord?
Yes, that was exactly what happened.
I had to build different barriers to prevent the two set of dogs from having contact with each other. Physical combat between the two parties led to loss of eyes and limbs. Every encounter brought blood and created disaffection between landlord and tenant. Meetings were called to find both the remote and immediate causes of the contest but none were found.
Then as a spiritual student, I decided to journey into the causal plane, the Second Heaven where memories of past lives are kept.
Going through past life records, I discovered that we were all staying in a village setting in a cluster of buildings constructed with mud as in pre-historic age. The setting was the same and the four families living together at present were also there. This time the other two animals (my landlords) were terrorizing my dog. They would not allow it to come into the compound then to play or drink water. However in this lifetime, it was payback time. Ordinarily one would conclude that dog are dogs fighting one another. But from the information gotten from the Inner Worlds, I could see the origin of the dispute and subsequently took positive action.
With this perception, I began to observe and see the source of this quarrel that it was indeed from many centuries ago! I knew that the only way to end the crises was for me to relocate from such environment.
Any individual who has a chronic problem or an inexplicable challenge can thus find the answer within themselves instead of spending time energy and meager funds in seeking ‘rishes’ or ‘self acclaimed men of God’. The steps to follow are very simple. Fear must be removed from the mind of whoever wants to obtain such spiritual information.
The following steps are very pertinent;
The interested individual must obtain a dream journal to indicate his willingness to record privileged information from God. This he does by placing such journal beside the bed when preparing to sleep.
The second step is for the individual to obtain a ‘visa’ that would enable the individual to ‘go through’ the physical world, to the first and the second heaven where records of past lives are kept. There are Guardians who are in charge of these heavens and one must obtain a ‘visa’ to be able to have access into those regions.
This ‘visa’ is obtained through securing the attention of God Almighty and all other gods on the different planes or heavens have no option but to allow the individual to pass through if his destination were even into the tenth heaven in the pure heavens of God. This ‘visa’ is obtained by singing the Holy and Sacred name of God known as HU. This is the Creator of all the rulers of the different Heavens of God right from the first to the highest known as the Ocean of Love and Mercy. This is the destination of all Souls who have come to study on earth here in the University of Life wearing the HU-man form known as man.
As the last activity at night therefore, the individual can relax on his bed, the put his attention on God or love, shutting out any sensory distraction, breath in and on the outward breath begin to sing HU as in Huuuee! In along drawn out monosyllable. This is repeated for about five to fifteen minutes until the individual is about to drift into sleep. The individual practitioner can then contemplate gently on whatever issue at hand for which information is being sought. All this while the attention of the individual is focused on the spot between the two eye brows which is the seat of Soul. This is the narrow way into the heavens of God. It is not through the skies.
The following morning upon awakening the individual should remain in bed with eyes closed and try to recollect the journey into the heavens of God commonly known as dreams.
This procedure has worked for many and so it can work for any sincere individual who wants to know the reason behind occurrences in his life.
Dreams of past lives can show us why.

By Tuborki Dauyemie
You can send reactions to (08089595738, text only please.

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