
Tips for Clean Healthy Environment

Conveniences are facilities which are provided at school premises to enable student answer nature call or dispose waste. This includes urinary toilets, rest areas, trash containers bags, bucket etc. In most schools authorized conveniences do not exist. When they available or exist, they are either not functional. They are vandalized, unprotected, misused, unguarded, and inhabited b un-authorize occupants.
Many schools are with waste; this is as a result of lack proper waste collection and disposal facilities. To address thee unwholesome activities school must provide facilities guarded
Functional toilets are not provided in many-schools. A authorized- urinary can be seen but not guarded not maintain
not readily accessible. It is very common to see a urinary also bee, use as a toilet.
Some students avoid the toilet at school because the toilet: are unpleasant dirty smelly not private enough lack, basic ham. wash drying facilities, or where the bullies and smokers gather. Some students may not be allowed to go when they need to, these problem mean that they may hand on until they get home which result in a number of health problems.
Student may not drink enough, because they don’t want to have to go to the toilet. The resulting dehydration and constipation can also cause ill effect such as tiredness, headaches and difficulty in concentrating; poor sanitation in schools impairs children growth and development. It also limits school attendance and retains of student and negatively affects student abilities to concentrates learn. About I in 10 school age girls do not attend” school during menstruation or drop Out at puberty because of lack of clean and private sanitation facilities. Many schools have no waste supply and sanitation facilities and those that have only few had separate facilities girls and boys. A studies carried out some schools in Nigeria show the many school toilet were dirty and many wet, not clean regularly.

Emeka Jilly Ejiowhor

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