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Coming to America; Soul’s Journey Home to God 2

The Spiritual Seminar was over within three days. These were days to remember where Souls from more than fifty-two countries gathered to fulfill the spiritual law that says ‘any soul in flesh must have a Master in flesh’! For no dead mother can breastfeed a living child. So also no dead master can ‘take care’ of any living being. The spiritual student must seek that God Realized Soul that is capable of showing soul the way to the heavens of God while the individual is still alive.
With the seminar over, there was enough time to move to the countryside and enjoy God’s own country for a while.
I checked out of the five star hotel that has been ‘my home’ for about four nights and decided to do a little shopping for family and close friend before moving to a nearby ‘village’ that would put our dear capital to shame in terms of planning.
‘Are these people not HU-man beings?’ I wondered. ‘How come every thing being done seems to be so perfectly done and rightly so?’.
It reminded me of the country I am coming from. Then it occurred to me that different environments are created for the special training of different souls with diverse states of consciousness. The souls here must have gone through the purification that has made them to revere their environment so much so that every where (well almost) was so beautiful and very tidy.
Nigeria on the other hand must have been arranged for soul who needs fast training in the perceptions of life that souls around here behave so crudely and so prone to negativity. But this is the same environment that provides an incentive for the search for God and for people around here to leave their duty and business centers to call on God on a daily basis when they should have known the simple law that states;
‘For whatever a man soweth, that shall he reap!’
This is the simple law of Karma that governs the activities of all creations of God in all the universes of God irrespective of the form Soul is covered with, be it HU-man, plant or mineral.
Those who understand this simple law know that it is better to obey this law than to be bombarding God with endless prayers. This is why the behavior of some across the universes is so refined while others are crude and criminal minded. But everyone pays for whatever is their thoughts, words and actions anyway.
The journey to the suburb of Minneapolis took us through beautiful express roads and plains. As an engineer, I could not but notice sound barriers shielding the noise of automobiles from residential areas at a distance from the expressway. If I thought Minneapolis was beautiful, Chanhassen was much more beautiful.
I checked into an Inn it the ‘village’ only to discover that every facility that was in the five star hotel was also available in this village hotel.
I relaxed in the cozy room and discovered that the walls though beautiful were made of wood. There was no need for the air conditioner as the weather forecast predicted 6 degree Celsius. It was almost freezing.
Then it occurred to me that I was due back in Nigeria in two days.
Who would want to go back to Nigeria anyway and leave this heavenly place?
‘Home is home’ I thought
‘A lot of work requires to be done also!’ I know where that thought came from. So I began to strategize on what needs to be done spiritually to assist Souls who are interested in finding their way back to God.
I got to the airport early on the appointed date. I checked in my bags then moved through tight security before relaxing at the boarding gate. We boarded around 7pm and started flying back in time from west towards east, the way we came.
It reminded me of Souls being sent into the lower worlds (earth, first, second, third and fourth heavens) for training.
From Amsterdam, we flew towards Lagos without any event apart from the tense atmosphere in the airplane. People are kind of apprehensive about coming back home, ‘where anything goes’!
But I know that Nigeria is an opportunity in spiritual training for the ‘fortunate souls’ who have been sent here by God.
As we started descending towards Lagos I noticed the darkness enveloping the huge city except for ‘car lights’ creeping towards their various destinations.
I could understand the apprehension and sadness inside the plane.
When Soul began its descent into the lower worlds of God, it was also apprehensive and sad about leaving the beautiful heavens of God. But Soul needed to learn about how to give and receive the divine love of God through interaction in life. Just as a child leaves the comfort of his father’s house for school in a university, so also would soul leave the comfort of the Heavenly worlds and come to earth to study. When Soul graduates, he is given the option of going back home to the Heavenly worlds to serve or he can remain in the lower worlds and become a Co-worker with God’. This spiritual education of Soul could take millions of years. The memory of past lives is blotted out (but can be retrieved) so that Soul can concentrate in winning heaven every life time.
This is the Spiritual Destiny of all Souls!
But while Soul is sent down to study in these lower worlds, He is not left alone. For God already made provision for Soul to come back home when it has been purified of all the dross in the lower worlds training school. For God is so Merciful that he provided man with a Living Godman, a Spiritual Coach whose responsibility it is to lead Soul in form back home to God.
This Being though in HU-man flesh can be contacted both physically and spiritually.
For Souls that are interested, the password is HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God. Singing this HU enables the individual make contact with God directly without any intermediaries whatsoever. This feedback from God is usually in the dream state where the individual can have most of his numerous questions answered without any fears.


By Tuborki Dauyemie

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