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Re: Emphasing The Teaching Of History Subject In Schools

According to oxford Advanced learner’s dictionary history is defined as all the events that happened in the past. No nation without history and nobody without history. History as a subject taught in schools was introduced in the school curriculum for the pupils and students to knows the events of the past. In the primary school history as a subject is known as social studies while in secondary school is an independent subject. But the unfortunate thing is that history is not taught in some schools in Nigeria. Rather, Government as a subject is seen as the equivalent. Though, Government as a subject solely depends on the histories of systems of government of nations. But history is collections of past events of races, nations, continents and even individuals.
Though, it is difficult to gather history but when it is done foundation for posterity is laid. In Africa, collections of histories were hampered based on the level of civilization witnessed by our forebears. The process of documenting report was not durable or efficient and that had led to lost of some important information of events in Africa. Again, the unfortunate experience that happened was that the white men who were educated who arrived early on the continent documented Africa as Dark continent. Indeed, some African artifacts were forcefully or tactically retrieved from the Local museums across Africa by the white. And unfortunately, more history books were written by the whi.te and sent to Africa in large qualities. And this had made Africans to have more awareness in foreign histories than the indigenous.
History is very important to a nation. Without a sound historical facts a nations can not develop. History as a subject is missing out. The department of history in universities have a handful of under graduates studying history. There by giving room for scarcity of history teachers in our secondary schools. Some reasonable sizes of Nigerians do not know the history of Nigeria. And this is causing mistrust and discrimination.
Like the issue of amalgamation of 1914, no detailed or convincing information was made available to the tribes or ethnic groups that make up the federation. The event of 1914 was an epoch making event that supposed to have be been documented and circulated to every Nigerian to have sense of belonging.
In Nigeria, we know much about Roman empire and British empire. But in Nigeria our histories are relegated to the back ground as not important. There is need for every Nigerian to know history of Nigeria. For instances, why the Israelites remain unique in the world to day was as a result of their history especially, the ones recorded in the bible. History makes a people unique. It is necessary for every pupil in the primary school to know his or her history especially about the community he or she comes from. Observationally, such is seen as unimportant which is bunkum.
Today, some secondary schools in Nigeria do not offer history as a subject. Some students do not even know that history is also a subject taught in schools. The prehistoric events of people is very important to them. Authentic history can proffer solution to problem be devilling the nation. History is of the mind and must be taught for people to know their origin. Nigerians require history that will jettison nepotism, tribalism, segregation and promote Unity, progress peace and development. It is obvious that verbal history from our ancestors play a major role in our life style. Therefore, the federal, state and local governments should reemphasize the teaching of history as a compulsory subject in the schools especially in secondary schools across the nations. If an individual knows his history and why he is a Nigerian, he will love Nigeria. Nigerians are worried about their history. Nigeria has a chequered tradition that if properly put together will promote mutual coexistence, will foster unity and peace.
Nigeria is not too big despite the two hundred and fifty ethnic groups to have a comprehensive history of the various groups. There is need for Nigerians to have a common knowledge of Nigeria. No nation exists without history. The common history is the one of independence of October 1960. Some Nigerians do not know much about the Republic of 1963. There is need for proper documentation of Nigerian History to inspire citizens to be patriotic to the nation. It is time for all Nigerians to know their histories. Like I have written earlier, some Nigerians do not know their histories. Therefore, on this premise, history should be made compulsory in the schools. History motivates a people to strive for Unity. One Nigeria as a slogan should be backed up with history. It is not enough to say one Nigeria.
Nigerians know that Nigeria is made up of conglomerate of tribes and ethnic groups. The federal government should as a matter of fact sensitize Nigerians to know their histories. Like in the United States of America what keeps them alive to their responsibilities are the visions of their founding Fathers. There is no important speech made by their leaders without reference to the labour of their founding fathers. The labour of the founding fathers of America unites Americans despite their large landmass and big population. Americans will always feel great to say great land of ours. This is as a result of their history. United States is a multi ethnic state like Nigeria. America has the same feature or characteristics like Nigeria. Nigeria can be like United States if our histories are properly followed without sentiment. Our history is our foundation and Unity. The teaching of history of as subject should be reemphasized and make compulsory for the teeming youths to their history. Know your history. Nigerian Government should epitomize the contributions of our nationalists. History unites a people to have a common goal and vision.

Frank Eneawail Ogwuonuonu

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