

They also believe the Originally Inspired Scriptures as a “House’ just dismantled from above down to mankind through the twentieth century religious shrine whose personal name is Yahmarabhi Ovoh, which means “Yah-Begotter” or Begotten of Yahweh” son of Ovoh. Yahosheans believe that the name the messenger gave the earthly mother of our Saviour was Yahoshea, because it means Yah-Saviour or Salvation of Yahweh, and that Is why Yahweh revealed the name called by this assembly, “Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach”, in remembrance of the great work He came and did to mankind. The main work of Yahosheans is prayer and proclaiming of the Sacred names, Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach. Yahosheans do not believe the names, Jehovah, Lord, and God as names of our Grand Creator but believed that these names were invented out of initials or letters from the deities of the nations.
Especially the name given to the Saviour as Jesus and Christ are purely idol names. The members do not believe in the traditions of men, but they do believe in divine healing, and all preach the word boldly thus confirming the miracles, signs and wonders as the Ineffable names Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach are pronounced. Yahosheans believe that Yahweh is our consciousness, since our consciousness is the law and the law is the constructor of the universe. We do believe that our consciousness is our substance, the Force or Fabric of which our entire experience is built. That is why we believe that whatever one takes into one’s consciousness makes part of the one’s consciousness, and externalizes in some form of the one’s experience, this is why all’ members or Yahosheans are trained to think positively for what-you concretize within your mind, or what ever you direct in your mind must come to pass. In other words you are Yahweh, since Yahweh. lives in your body. For the teachings of Yahosheans are direct from Yahweh through the Founder and Spiritual Scientist, Most Senior Prophet Yahniarabhi Ovoh, but not through researches from books, Yahosheans are faithful people since they know that Yahweh lives in them they always have faith in Him, and that is why they place their trust only on Him.
The only motto of the organization is “Each For All And All For Each” thus reflecting the third major law of Yahweh, “Love your fellow human being more than yourself”. That is why although the officially used book that Yahweh dictated to the Founder, Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ovoh is yet to print, but all the branches of the Assembly used typed copies of the Book titled, “The Originally Inspired Scriptures”. Although the Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyaeh regard and respect the Founder, Most Senior Pmphet, but do not make him super-sacred as the cults do.
The World Book Dictionary page 505 explains that cultists system or religious worship, especially with reference to its rites and ceremonies: (Buddaism) includes many cults. Great admiration for a person, thing or idea; worship, a cult of (Napoleon) grew up after his death. Devotion, homage or a group showing admiration.” – Therefore in total sum-up one can describe cult as a religious body that goes by researches, and not directed by a Yahweh-sent Prophet (Religious Scientist) but is run by the guidance of invented doctrine, dogma and creeds enshrined in a constitution to be followed up for a case in point, Roman Catholicism, Orthodoxism and Protestantism These are the original cults, who disagreed and got split in 1054 A.D; of course the two later ones broke out of their mother Roman Catholic Church that was formed by Emperor Constantine.
Therefore in plain truth, although the three cults above are regarded as original, but in the twentieth century, Jehovah Witness, Mormonism, Seventh Day Adventism and Christian Science; but go to orderly, we will start with Mormonism Church that was incorporated in 1830; Seventh Day Adventism first held their denominational General Conference in 1863, Christian Science Church was incorporated in 1879 and last in order comes the Jehovah Witnesses whose first corporate organization, Zion’s Watch Tower Tract Society was incorporated in 1884, these four cults are regarded as major cults world-wide so far as religions are concerned, who in fact came out of Babylon 2. Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach is original since the doctrine or beliefs are quite different to any religious organization in the world, Non of our burials cost much, more money, since we can even choose to drink water only throughout, but the highest thing is tea or mineral or soft drinks,
No flashy things, nor rituals, nor hidden ceremonies are allowed till after burial, and both bed and everything dismantled, and it comes to the end. Our burial is so simple that majority of people like it. In fact the Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach is no Church but is the movement of Yahweh, which goes forward and never looks back. The strong belief of the non-existence of a personality called Devil, Satan or demons gives more confidence in the all-Good Grand Creator whose personal Ineffable name is Yahweh who sent His son Yahoshea Meshiyach to teach man the great doctrine that the Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi Ovoh is fighting by all means to correct and restore worldwide before the government of Yahoshea starts on earth. And the clarion call for all and sundry is, “Come out of paganism” & most of what you call good doctrine, dogmas and creeds are nothing than pure paganism.
Concerning marriage, no one tells you to marry or not to marry. You do what you think is good to yourself; either you marry one or more than one as you can meet up your daily obligations, or you can choose not to marry. But mark you, no man or woman is allowed to make love with one and another concerning sex. You only see pure love with Yahosheans, for any least mistake both man and woman are suspended from the Assembly till both beg for forgiveness. No quarrels, and fighting is allowed between two sisters or brothers of the assembly, that is why brethren of the Assembly don’t eat separately any where we’ meet. We do: things together thus demonstrating our oneness in Yahweh; showing the type of love that does not give room for blame, thus practising Yahweh’s Kingdom on earth. Frankly speaking, Yahosheans believe that the Kingdom of Yahweh is right within Man and not outside us. At such, the assembly although there is no strict law of not marrying none members, but they feel, with the doctrine of oneness as practised, it is better brethren choose their partners within the assembly in order that it will limit unforseen problems in the future. ###

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