
The Ways Of The Holy Sprit (2)

As it was written earlier, the Holy Spirit is the Voice of God. Through this Voice all creations in the Universes of God are created, nourished and sustained. Nobody lives outside of the Holy Spirit for in It we live, move and have our being.
When this Holy Spirit is individualized, It becomes known as Soul with a specific identity in the worlds of God. This Soul for the purpose of Its Spiritual Education takes a form or ‘uniform’ eg the Human body, that enables it to exist in the worlds of matter.
Despite taking these various forms or ‘uniforms’ known as Hu-man bodies or animals or any form for that matter, Soul retains Its Divine qualities and attributes as found in the Holy Spirit of God. These attributes are Wisdom, Freedom and Love (Charity) albeit, in a latent form. But this latency would require to be converted into its kinetic form so that Soul can be useful to Its Creator, God.
For this realization to take place Soul requires to be trained hence the various training centers in the lower universes from the physical worlds through the first to the fourth heavens of God. These training Centers include Earth, Venus, Moon etc. The materialistic man claims that the moon has been conquered through various expeditions to the moon and other planets. But what the ordinary HU-man being must know is that the Spiritual man travels to the planets through the Inner Channels and harmonizes with the vibratory state of these planets before one can ‘see’ the Souls living on these planets. If one goes with the physical equipment as it is being done by our scientist one cannot but see nothing.
I can remember clearly when my Spiritual Guide, the Spiritual Coach first took me to the moon worlds through the inner channels. We went through a ‘rocket like machine’ that took us within minutes to the border between the physical worlds and the Moon worlds. Just as you require a visa to enter America, one also requires to pass through all these formalities. Within this world, I could see old friends who had ‘died’ in the physical flesh but are still alive and kicking in the moon worlds. Some even called me by my name and were surprised I could make the trip.
‘How did you get here?’ they asked in surprise
I simply pointed to my Spiritual Guide.
Well Soul chooses where it wants to undertake its Spiritual education. Sometimes one’s karma would draw that individual to a certain country like Nigeria where he or she would be taught the lessons of life at a faster rate. A lot of us complain about being Nigerian but we fail to realize that spiritually, Nigeria provides us with an opportunity to grow faster spiritually simply because of the hardships we complain about in the first place
Hardships are spiritual opportunities for spiritual growth.
However as Souls are sent down into these spiritual education centers, It is not left alone for apart from the team that teaches and tempers Soul to be purified and more loving, Soul is also provided with ‘equipment’ to enable it communicate at all times with God through the agency of the Holy Spirit. These communication channels are also known as ‘the ways the Holy Spirit works in our lives’
These ways are through Dreams, Golden Tongue Wisdom, Direct Perception and through ‘Out of Body’ experiences. However the commonest amongst all these are the Dream and ‘Out of Body experiences’
The Holy Spirit has never left Soul alone in the lower universes of study for that Soul that really has come to realize Itself can communicate directly with the Holy Spirit on a one on one basis. As soon as Soul is embodied in either the HU-man or any other form, It forgets Its divinity and starts behaving as an ‘ordinary HU-man being’ since he has forgotten his spiritual heritage. Evidences of Soul forgetting about who or what It is are as follows.
The first evidence is found in a situation where Soul as man would kneel down and be praying or petitioning God. This is very common in the world today. This is borne out of the fact that man perceives God as a ‘YOYO’ who changes Its mind anytime man through his whims and caprices remembers to tell God what it wants.
For instance, Nigeria versus Brazil in foot ball being played in America. One can observe Nigerians praying fervently to God for Nigeria to win while Brazilians are also doing exactly the same thing in Brazil. Who do we expect God to listen to? Have we reduced God to the level of a God that has nothing to do other than to decide football games? This is the level of the spiritual ignorance of man in the worlds today.
For any man that prays to God for anything whatsoever does not know God. He cannot know God until he realizes that he is praying to the spiritual aspect of himself! This is because he is the individualized Holy Spirit Itself.
This is why the first step in man knowing God is for man to know himself first and foremost. Once man discovers the secret of himself, the secret about God reveals It elf as sunshine clears the darkness for the brightness of the day.
Another way one can identify the man who has forgotten his divinity is the man who argues that life is lived only once. If life is lived only once what happens to the baby who is born and lives for only one hour and dies, what manner of life would that be? What would be the purpose of such a life? But man would pretend and carry on in ignorance only for man to be looking for ways to dominate his fellow men through offering of meaningless prayers and getting paid for it!
A man who says ‘My Soul, My Soul’ has also forgotten his divinity. For if man owns Soul, who then is man? But what do we find on TV on a daily basis from those whom we think should know better? ‘ My Soul, My Soul’. Rather it should be ‘I am Soul but I own a body called John!’
There are numerous ways for us to identify those who have forgotten about who they are. These people are unknowingly agents of the negative god known as ‘satan’. Through them ‘satan’ holds a firm grip on souls trapped in HU-man bodies. They shall continue to reincarnate in the lower worlds until they are purified and ready to return back home to God.
But for that Soul who desires to know God and communicate through the Holy Spirit of God otherwise known as the Light and Sound, that individual can start in earnest to take advantage of the ways of the Holy Spirit. The individual can partake in the ways of the Holy Spirit as taught by the Spiritual Coach as follows:
Dream Teachings is one of the ways the individual can communicate with the Holy Spirit while struggling in this our spiritual school known as earth. The interested individual can start by recording all his dreams in a Dream Journal because dreams are privileged information from God. But because our religion cannot teach us about dreams we sometimes refer to them as ‘Malaria drams’
All dreams are from God but we need to be trained by the Spiritual Coach to be able to interpret and understand them
Knowing about Karma and Reincarnation can also help us to know the spiritual history of any situation we find ourselves while at school on Earth. This can be achieved by singing the HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God. This HU is a prayer that does not tell God what to do but requests from God what the individual can do to resolve any situation. The HU is sung either as the last activity before going to sleep or first thing in the morning as a love offering to God. It can be sung in a ‘long drawn out tone as in the word ‘Huuuueeee’ while fixing the attention at the spiritual eye located in between the two eyebrows. At the end one can simply say ‘May the Blessings Be!’ It simply means ‘God let thy will be done in my life’
This is why the HU is known as the highest form of prayer. It is for convenience that it is called a prayer. It is actually a Spiritual Exercise.
The third thing the individual can do is to look for the Light and Sound of God anywhere in the world. But this is actually made easy because the individual can find this first evidence within himself. If the individual shuts his ears tightly with his two first fingers, he can easily listen to the sound of God within himself roaring continuously like the ‘rushing winds’ or like the roaring of the ‘Ocean waves’. This sound is the Sound of HU, the Sound of God.
This sound of God is what the individual requires on his journey back home to God. He must find a way to link himself back home to God through these sound waves. The one God has appointed to link those Souls who are ready to this Sound, this Audible Life stream is the Spiritual Coach. One can contact this being spiritually for one does not need to travel anywhere to make this contact.
The phone number of this Spiritual Coach is the HU, a love Song to God.
When one sings it, one can make direct contact with the Holy Spirit and then the scales of ignorance would be removed from the individual’s eyes and he would graduate from the ordinary HU-man being to become a liberated Soul and a way for the Holy Spirit.

By Tuborki Dauyemie
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