
The Right of “The Total Girl”

Chapter Two
There is an adage, which goes thus: Prostitution is the oldest profession in the world, Whether or not that is true, it is a well-known fact that sexual immorality, has been and is, a problem of immense dimensions.
The Bible warns against this, again and again. Truly prostitution is a problem; but as a total girl, you should understand that you are not to partake in prostitution.
The fact that sexual immorality is a problem both in Christian and non-Christian communities cannot be hidden. Youths, young people play around with their strong emotions without looking back and without thinking of the consequences. Even some married people have problems with staying faithful to their spouses.
Sex belongs in a loving, trusting relationship between one man and one woman in marriage. This we should all know.
You will do well to read the following passages – Proverbs chapter 5,6:20-35 and 7. Ask God to help you ake these beautiful instructions to heart.
Would like to le you know that some girls have died in Hotel rooms, some Secret places and the 111cc. Still on the above note, a man of God told a story of how a beautiful tall, elegant young lady died in the hands of her boyfriend who used her for money rituals. How? Having laid with her, and made her drunk, he cut off her head, breast and clitoris. On the way to disposing the corpse he was exposed by a taxi driver with whom he had bargained very low transport fare; when the guy resorted to taking another driver, the former monitored him so closely and reported him to the Road Safety Officials. He was caught with the corpse kept under one of the seats at the back.
A family man, in a conversation told of how his own cousin was treated by her boyfriend. Just as above. Her friend killed her, cut off her tongue, nipples and her clitoris. Oh! What a horrific incident!
Desisting and running away from prostitution is worth doing. Yes, someone would say, “I have lost my parents, I have no one to carter for my education, I want to have more money, I find pleasure in sin because it is so sweet”. I tell you the truth as a total girl, you are inexcusable to God. There are ways you can help yourself as I have mentioned earlier. Find something doing and trust God. Your faithfulness can cause God bring a rightful partner to you for marriage.

Examination malpractice has been a long standing problem in our society. The issue has always be discussed in both print /electronic media. But if I m ask, who is responsible for this vice? Should we putt blame on the students or the teachers and lecturers?
Moreso, if the students read, and study very hard, v they get involved in the malpractice? And on the oft hand, if the lecturers and teachers teach well, will the ever be afraid that their students will never pass the subjects and courses?
To be candid, these are questions that bother the heart of every reasonable individual that wishes the best for society and the educational sector.
I wouldn’t want to put the blame on anyone at this poi in time.
There is need for teachers and lecturers to discharge their roles of giving the best of knowledge to their pup and students. Let us all forget about the past mistake and look forward to a positive endeavour.
Are you a student? It is your right to pay great attention to learn and study real hard to attain the best knowledge. Say no to examination malpractice. You have to speciality. You know what subjects and courses you

Chapter three
Not to worry! God’s word is yea and Amen! He will accomplish what he says he will do. Read the following scriptures and be assured as well as receive his pardon and cleansing! No sin is neither too small nor big for God to forgive.
* Isaiah 1:18, “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool”
* I John 1:7, “But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth u from all unrighteousness.
* 1 John 1:9, “if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all sin”
* 1 Corinthians 5:17, “Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.
Finally we should believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and we shall be saved-our parent, relatives, siblings, fellow brethren and friends shall be saved. Amen!

Dear Lord, I thank you for creating me in your own image, for dying for me on the cross of Calvary. Thank you for paying the great price with your blood.
I am a poor wretched sinner. Unworthy to partake of your blessings in each passing day. My sins are ever before me. But I do know that you can pardon me when I come to you and beg for your forgiveness.
Here I’m I, Lord take me, forgive me of all my transgressions. Wash me that I shall be as white as snow. In Jesus Mighty name I have prayed. Amen.

Angela Inyena Anietie
08065189975 (SMS Only)

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