
The Right of “The Total Girl”

Many people including young girls and women put themselves into danger. They, through the influence of their peers and friends (older ones) take drugs deliberately. Just like I explained into the case of cultism, some people take drugs to be bold and stand out in the crowd fearlessly. Some take it to forget their problems and worries. Others take it to protect themselves from getting pregnant while some use it to force others to sin. When one takes drugs without a doctors prescription, it is an abuse!
Have these points mentioned above really helped those who practice it? Absolutely, No! Instead they have jeopardized their lives, health and body which is the temple of the Holy Spirit. If any young person wants to be bold to do anything good, the Holy Spirit can empower such a person. What ever problem one faces in this life can be solved by total dependence on God who is the solution to all problems. Drugs cannot help!
And what are some of these drugs I am talking about? They are Cocaine, Marijuana, Tobacco and other sleeping tablets some bad boys and men or even women use to perform their evil act.
In one of the ante-natal classes I attended, the nurse who lectured us on “Family Planning” told us a true life story of a girl who went to a patent medicine seller (generally known as a chemist in this part of the world) to get family planning done. Do you know that the young man gave her the one that has rendered her infertile? She can’t bear children again! When she met this nurse and told her, it was too late! Nothing could be done to help her. As a total girl will you love to face such consequence? Please be careful! He cares about you and wants you to live for him alone. He is ever present to assist you in every way.

We dress to cover our nakedness, to protect our skins from infections of all kinds. Also to look beautiful and attractive. Are all these not sensible reasons for dressing? Of course, they are. But you see! Some have deviated from these. Both old and young, male and female dress indecently. It is even more disgusting on the angle of ladies and young girls. How could you dress in such a way that your breast, belly, laps are been exposed, giving room for sensual feeling on the side of the onlookers? This you know, could expose you to danger of rape or molestation of every kind. Please as a total girl, desist from such behaviour!
Do you how that some young folks and elder folks have been harassed sexually? Do you know that some have been raped?. As a Total Girl, as a special creation, you and I need to honour our God – given body and give him the Glory.
Dressing gorgeously and indecently can’t fetch one respect or honour. Rather it brings shame and disrespect. I have personally witnessed how some people were embarrassed on the streets and market places just because of how they dressed.
The word of God talked about modesty in dressing. Please never you go to the extreme. Be contented with what you have so you will not get involved in stealing and robbery because you want to adorn yourself Glorify, praise and honour God with your body?

By this word we mean “Termination of pregnancy”.
This sometimes happens spontaneously and can be natures way of terminating something that does not stand a chance of life outside the uterus. It can also happen because the mother, for some reason or other, is physically unable to carry the baby to term. If nothing is done by man to cause these conditions, then it’s for the best that the pregnancy terminates at this stage, although it’s a big tragedy for the parents involved.
As total girls, I’ll like us to know about ‘induced or provoked’ abortions. This is a pregnancy that is terminated willfully by a doctor or some times even an unqualified person, because the mother or teenager doesn’t want to give birth to the child, or she does so under pressure.
Let me share this story with you: A young man got married and was immediately blessed with the fruit of the womb. The young lady never knew she have pregnant. She felt feverish and pains all over. Just within that, – period, her spouse resorted to giving her herbal medicine instead of taking her to the hospital. He forced her to take it when she refused to, and that finally took her to the hospital and the pregnancy was done away with. The man wasn’t prepared for baby according to him. But that was an insufficient psychologically depressed when she knew that it was pregnancy that was terminated. Many young girls get pregnant in our nations and in their desperation to get rid of the unwanted pregnancy, resort to anyway out of it. Many have died through this process. Some others survived it but can no longer bear children because of the damages done to their wombs. Some suffer depression and could not forget about this ugly incidents. Yet some others have dropped out of school.
Would you as a total girl face such consequences? Therefore, you need to obey your parents and God and seek to please them in all you do, He will give you the grace in Jesus name. Amen.
Know that abortion is illegal here in Nigeria. But it is a known fact that it can be done if one pays. For this to be stopped you and I can educate our fellow girls and women to stop going in for an abortion. Like my mother would always advice me as a young girl growing up. please should you make a mistake of having any affair and you get pregnant, do nothing to it”. This does not mean she encourages sexual immorality. But I think she was only making sure I don’t loose my life through the process. She also knows the challenges young people face. Thank God, the grace of God was sufficient for me. He carried me through up until when I got married. Moreso, because I obeyed my parents and obeyed God, my creator. You too can make it. It all depends on your choice, decision and discipline. ###

Angela Inyena Anietie
08065189975 (SMS Only)

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