
Spirituality Not Popularity

Everyone who is not a Muslim professes to be a Christian and some further create some distinction by saying their self acclaimed titles, position in their church, cathedral they built or possessions and popularity by reason of miracles or followership or what they have achieved confers on them acceptability before God or entitles them to be so recognized as Christians. The issue is not who is a Christian but what kind of Christian are you? And furthermore, of what relevance is your Christian faith? What does the Bible say on these? The world people are famed for seeking recognition by acquisition of titles, wealth, positions, awards, degrees and so boast of their achievements as been reason for recognition. But not so with the Christian. There is an obvious difference in the character and quality of the daily life of Christians. This difference is acknowledged and defined in the New Testament.
There is also a possible improvement in the character and quality of the daily life of many Christians. This improvement is experienced by all such Christians who fulfill certain conditions. These conditions, too, form an important theme in the word of God. The Apostle Paul, by the Spirit, has divided the whole human family into three groups: (1) The “Natural Man”, who is unregenerate, or un-changed spiritually, (2) The “Carnal Man” who is a “babe in Christ” and walks “as a man” and (3) The “Spiritual Man”. These groups are classified by the Apostle according to their ability to understand and receive a certain body of truth which is of things “revealed” unto us by the Spirit.
Men are vitally different one from the other as regards the fact of the new birth and the life of power and blessing; but their classification is made evident by their attitude toward things revealed. In 1st Corinthians 2:9 to 3: 4 this threefold classification is stated. Who is a Christian of worth? A Christian is an adherent or follower of Christ. This means Christ like. And that means a believer in Christ who behaves and act like Jesus Christ. That means, you must not only believe but live in the philosophy and mission of Christ. “The disciples were first called Christians in Antioch” (Acts 11:26) not because they ascribed certain titles, degrees and positions to themselves but because they were carrying out the mission of Christ by preaching the gospel to other nations beyond their region and as well identified with the needs of refugees in Jerusalem at a time of famine (see Acts 11).
The word Christian assumes that the person called by the name was a follower of Christ. Christians were loyal to Christ just as the herodians were loyal to Herod (Matt. 22: 16; Mk. 3:6, 12:13). The designation of the early followers of Christ as Christians was initiated by no-Christian population of Antioch. Originally it may have been a term of derision. Eventually, however, Christians used it of themselves as a name of honour, not of shame. Prior to their adoption of the name, the Christians called themselves believers (Acts 5:14), brothers (Acts 6:3) or saints (Acts 9:13), names which also continued to be used. In modern times the name Christian has been somewhat emptied of its true meaning as a follower of Christ.
To some today, Christian means little more than a European or American who is not Jewish, while others have sought to make its proper use the name of a particular denomination. However, its original meaning is a noble one of which any follower of Christ can rightly be proud. Jesus’ comment on the Samaritan woman’s observation or localizing the worship of God to a particular place reveals what defines a true Christian and worth of the Christian faith. Jesus said, “Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship ye know not what. We know what we worship. But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshipper shall worship the Father in Spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship him” (Jn 4:21-23).
A Christian is a Christian not because of ascribed titles, degrees, awards, positions, or acquisition of wealth, properties and achievements in the society nor by reason of where he worships or the number of people congregating at a particular place to worship but the spirituality of the worship and the object of worship and the means of worship. A Christian is a Christian because he is rightly related to Christ; but “he that is spiritual” (1Cor.2) is spiritual because he is rightly related to the Spirit, in addition to his salvation. It therefore follows that any attempt to discover the fact and conditions of true spirituality must be based upon a clear understanding of the Bible revelation concerning the Spirit in His possible relationships to men.
The quality of the believer’s life is a tremendous issue before God, and Satan’s power is naturally directed against the purpose of God. Some have lost the essence of the Christian faith by seeking for men’s praise, honour, title and acceptance. In doing this, some boast of their big cathedral and followership and latest acquisition of cars and properties, the working of miracles, turning people overnight millionaires, and the fastest growing churches, being rich does not change the heart of a person living in sin nor change his place in eternity. Nor being poor. There are many rich people with so many acquisitions, titles, awards, achievements and degrees that are living in bondage to sin, sickness and Satan even afraid to die. It is only the spiritual state of a person that qualified and defines the person’s status as being a Christian or not.
Being a Reverend Doctor or Bishop or Apostle with big cathedral or followership does not forgive sin, save or heal the sick and cast out demons from the oppressed. It is the relationship of the spiritual person that identifies and defines the Christian believer (see Acts 19). Therefore, Christianity is not about one’s popularity in the society. It is about spirituality that impacts the society positively (Mtt.5:14-16). A spiritual Christian is a Spirit-filled Christian in whom the unhindered Spirit is manifesting Christ by producing a true Christian character, which is the “fruit of the Spirit”, by energizing true Christian service through the exercise of a “gift of the Spirit” by personal instruction in the word of God; by inspiring true praise and thanksgiving; by leading the believer in an unbroken “walk in the Spirit” ,by actualizing into celestial heart-ecstasy that which has been taken by faith concerning the positions and possessions in Christ and by inclining, illuminating and empowering the believer in the prayer of intercession.
True spirituality is sevenfold manifestation of the Spirit in and through the one whom he fills. It is a divine output of the life rather than a mere cessation of things which are called “worldly”. True spirituality does not consist in what one does not do, it is not suppression; it is expression, it is not holding in self; it is living out Christ. The unregenerate would not be saved if he should cease sinning; he would not be born of God. The Christian would not be spiritual if he should abstain from worldliness: he would possess none of the manifestations of the Spirit. It is the Spirit’s work to produce in the believer a life which is heavenly in character and impact the world positively to meet the needs of people in the world

Dr. Lewis Akpogena

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