
Prosperity Gods And All That Jazz!

The present generation of man believes that the only purpose of his existence must be maximized towards achieving his goals of material acquisition and the various religious organizations having seen the direction of this demand are ready to whet the insatiable appetite of man. Therefore, the only reason man has to worship God is for man to keep praying to God for wealth and other material acquisitions without knowing the spiritual implications of such prayers or such requests from God. This mentality of ‘begging’ God for material things have led man to the ‘worship of Muloch’ otherwise known as prosperity gods.
Everyone one loves to live the good life. There is no doubt about this and there is nothing wrong with such goals in life. God does not necessarily love the poor more than the rich. God is only interested in our state of consciousness. But the attachment to and the love of material things eventually enslaves man to the lower worlds of creation where man is compelled to reincarnate as long as it takes man to correct his transgressions against his fellow men. This dying and being born in several lifetimes is governed by Karma and Reincarnation. So whether man knows it or not and whether man believes it or not, every single material thing acquired by man belongs to the ‘Rulers’ of the material worlds and all such acquisitions must be paid for before Soul in Human form can be released from the bondage of Karma and Reincarnation.
Soul, a spark of divinity was sent into these lower worlds to learn how to generate love, learn how to give and receive this love of God and eventually become a distributor of this divine love of God to all the creation of God. This is the spiritual goal of all soul in form. This training of Soul takes millions of years in different bodies and shapes until the form of man that would lead man into realizing his divinity. This training of soul in giving and receiving this divine love of God from other creations of God could go on for more than four million years depending on the different states of consciousness of the individual soul.
As soul descends from the pure heavens of God, he is enfolded with different sheaths or bodies or uniforms that correspond to the lower heavens where soul would receive his training on divine love. These uniforms and all what soul requires for his spiritual education are given to soul by the Lord of the lower worlds or lower heavens otherwise known as satan or devil. It is the responsibility of this god as instructed by God Almighty, to furnish and prepare soul to undergo his spiritual education in this vast school in the lower worlds or University of Life. This lower god is in charge of all the lower heavens from the fourth heaven to all the other heavens to the lowest where we have our own dear earth. It is the responsibility of this God to temper soul until it is completely purified of its material desires.
Since this god lives in the worlds of duality, he has both his good part and the ‘bad part depending on where the individuals judge his actions from. This why in some holy books he is described as the good God, while in some he is described as an angry god. God almighty is beyond good and bad and of course can never be angry because the Almighty God is a God of Love and beyond the dichotomies of the world of duality.
The main job of this lord or satan is to ensure that no impure soul in form can cross into the pure heavens of God. This is why all great beings who have claimed to be saviors have been tempted by this satan who is actually a lower agent of God. Surprised? Why would the Almighty God create another being that is beyond His control? Unless that God is not God Almighty.
How does this god perform his duties?
This minor god does this through so many of his agents stationed on the different lower world or heavens and on earth in the physical world.. These various agents are the gods of most of the religions some of us worship today. Haven’t we heard of Gods who are angry that they destroy various lands or kingdoms?. The question is how can the Almighty God be so angry as to destroy his own creations? If God Almighty is a loving God, how can such God destroy Its own children?
Well this minor god and its ruler of the various lower worlds have the responsibility of providing soul with his school uniform. These uniforms include the etheric body, the mental body, the causal body, the astral body and the HU-man body. These bodies have their various functions and are correspondent to the various planes or heavens as created by God.
This minor god is also the creator of all nature and provides soul with all his material needs as dictated to by the Almighty God without Soul having to beg for anything. These include all the necessary things soul-in Human form requires for his physical and spiritual survival while in this school known as earth. But soul in Hu-man form forgets easily the spiritual aspect of himself, known as soul and thinks only in terms of body, flesh and blood only. Having forgotten the spiritual aspect of himself known as soul, man is now contented with the theory of only one life.
If life is only lived once what would be the purpose of life?
If life is only lived once, how can we explain the life of a child who is born and lives for only twenty-four hours, where would the child go to, heaven or hell? What would be the purpose of such a life?
If man lives only of physical flesh in which body would man access heaven?
As soon as man is born into the Hu- man flesh his education begins in earnest. Ever body around the new baby will want to teach the baby ‘how it is being done’ by those older than he is. This is the social consciousness that controls the affairs of man in this lower world school known as earth. This is the meaning of ‘Na so them they do am’
As soon as the individual grows up, he is sent to school where he is groomed further in the way of man. He now becomes a target for the different religious groups that would further brainwash him on the ways of man and not the ways of God. He is either thought in the religious ways of his parents (whether such religion is true or not) or he or she is compelled to follow some other religions that would lead to the same destination of not providing answers to the basic questions of life.
These questions are:
‘Who am I?’ What is the purpose of my being here?’
‘Where do I come from and where am I going to?’
These are simple but fundamental questions that his religion cannot answer yet these are swept under the illusions of life that is called the social consciousness. ‘Do not ask such questions because they are blasphemous!’ This is what I was told by my teacher when I was in class three. I had asked him why would I go to heaven under a certain commission.
As man grows up, he starts to observe the vanity of life itself now realizing that all the struggle for money and other mundane things of life do not lead to happiness or the truth of God. The individual becomes restless at this stage. Some will move from one religion to the other in search of God Almighty because there is a yearning that their religion cannot fulfill. These are souls who want to find their way home to God and they know it cannot be found in their present religion.
Some resign and wait for death while the bold would continue the search for God.
Thos who believe in prosperity Gods would continue to acquire material things until eventually they realize that the next world after death has no room for material things they have acquired. Such individuals simply reincarnate to come and ‘inherit’ such material possessions.
This is the way of this god known as Satan. He does the job assigned to him by making sure that man reaps what he sows through the process of death, birth and death again! But while the HU-man body dies, soul, a spark of God lives forever. It does not die!
To those who like to pray for material things, this satan fulfills their wish knowing so well that no soul needs to pray or beg God Almighty for anything since all what soul needs is within soul and needs to be unlocked through creative imagination. For satan knows that it is only the greedy man that would beg or pray to God for any material thing so he capitalizes on this and offers the individual these material things knowing fully well that the individual would be further ensnared on the physical plane and would not be able to get to the Kingdom of God within.
This is why it is written that man should seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and every other thing will be added.
Prosperity gods lead to nowhere but back to earth through Karma and Reincarnation and then the suffering and smiling continues!
Within this earthly prison, all earthly ‘saviours’ come to teach man about right and wrong but none of them has the ability to give man Spiritual liberation from the wheel of death and rebirth, the wheel of eighty four, the wheel of Awagawan.
Man continues to rigmarole in the process of death and rebirth until he is fortunate to meet the Spiritual Coach whom God has appointed to lead man back home to God and his journey towards spiritual freedom begins in earnest. The Spiritual Coach is the only one who can teach soul in form, man about the ways of the Holy Spirit. This is because He has been appointed by God to return all ready souls back home to God. Man does not need to die before visiting the heavens of God. It is the responsibility of this spiritual coach to take soul through its own path back home to God.
Anyone who says soul has to die before going to the heavens of God does not know the road to heaven, period! With his ‘korokoro eyes’, man can visit the heavens of God and return to write stories for the meek in heart to read and quote from.
Only the bold can find God Almighty while the meek shall inherit the earth and all therein!

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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