

Excuse me, who has ever seen some one walk to him and say, ‘I am Satan or devil”? So the question of putting the blame On some one called Satan or devil can not arise, because its an habit; you /imitate others, but not Satan, for Satan is a word of “EXCUSE” from one’s evil, wrong or mistakes. For there is no personality called Satan or devil; for anything in the entire universe without origin is a myth. After Yahweh completed His creation and taught man the original language, authorized man to give names to all that He created, and there was nothing like Satan nor devil, but descendants of Adam created or invented this name and gave an earthly name “Lucifer” meaning in Latin as “Light- bearer” when at that time no such language was on earth nor those people who spoke the language were born. Excuse me, have you now seen how Christianity invented religion by the Khazer Jews, who were not Israelites, tricked the entire world into sin? Is this not what I called “Honestly deceiving” the senseless ones into paganism? The hardest thing in religion is to unlearn unsound doctrine.
Dogmas and creeds that you have inherited from your fathers (Jeremiah 16:19) and it says, “0 Yahweh my strength and my stronghold, and my refuge in the day of distress, to Thee, the nations will come, from the ends of the earth and say “Our fathers have inherited nothing by false-hood (lies), Futility and things of no profit (baali)”.
Excuse me, have you ears or eyes, do you want to act like the Hebrews or Israelites who heard ears but deliberately refused to listen to truth or who had eyes but deliberately refused to see to truth who were termed as people who had ears but were deaf to hear the truth or blind to see the truth.
Excuse me, are you an Isrealite? I know that all Christendom will answer Yes, since they are all adopted children of faithful Abraham. Excuse me, are the children of Jacob not also descendants of faithful Abraham? Excuse me, do you think Yahweh is respecter of persons? Yahweh only winks in the time of ignorance. (Acts 17:30) says, “Therefore having over-looked the times of ignorance, Yahweh is now declaring to men that all every where should repent”. Repent from your bad habits, for there is no personality who is a spirit that is called Satan or devil, but a careful study of the spiritual beings, you will find that no messenger of Yahweh can fight Yahweh since none can look at His face, how can you fight a person that you can not look at His face?
Excuse me, the cause of man’s problems, not solved for many centuries is because of the belief in the doctrine of satan or devil Excuse me, do you know that you can be devil or satan, just by your actions? Excuse me, and by your good behaviour to your fellow mortals, you can be called a rnessenger of Yahweh on earth?
Excuse me so choose ye this day what people should regard you, a devil or satan’s workman or messenger of Yahweh? Excuse me, a devil or satan’s work is nothing than to do evil or one who commands bad influence. One who corrupts others. So you must mind yourself from the company you belong. It is very rare for you to move with smokers of all leafs, and you will not be totally free, for even if you do not smoke directly, too, you will inhale a great percentage through breathing, mostly in an airconditioner room, in the public transports, waiting room etc Excuse me, to all women who are married to chain- smokers, you can tell the story better than I do, but mark you it will not result well in your later days. No matter some put it in their nose or mouth, all goes through the same body. Excuse me, when I say Twig, Branch, leaf or weed, I mean everything smokeable, so get out of this habit and be a changed person for your destiny or future is in your hand. But if you can not make it then try to write the author for special prayers and you shall be redeemed from tobaco, Twig, branch, leaf or weed, for with Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach all is possible. Gentlemen of paganism the choice is yours. Excuse me, why rob Lord and God to pay Yahweh? If I have ever grown annoyed to the bottom of my heart, it was on the night of the 8th of July, 1988 towards the 9th, in one of my dear friend’s night watch at Ogbolomabiri (Opu) Nembe. It was indeed a pleasure to see the full co-operation of all the Christian churches of Ogbolomabiri and Bassambiri at an all night-wake-keeping. But at each ending of a song they robbed Lord and God to pay Yahweh who never did any thing to help the wake-keeping. All were very serious, as you see bottles of hot drinks on each and every table on that wide public square, all types of drinks were there, and as you listen to the very beautifully who was the announcer of the programme of the day, She was the M.C. but at ending of each song, all exclaimed “HalleluYah”. This made me get away to where 1 put up and was unable to sleep till the following morning by 6 am. How can a group of churches unanimously be so ungrateful to Lord and God? I expected them to exclaim, ‘Praise the Lord or God and the response supposed to be ‘Hallelu-God’ or Hallelu-Lord’; but at each time all in one accord responded, ‘HalleluYah’ thus meaning “Praise Ye Yah”, exactly what it is in (Psalm 68:4). That was the cause of my vexation, because I found out that the teachers of these Christian bodies were not frank to their teachings.
But in the morning a friend of mine met me and asked me why I left the wake-keeping so early and after I narrated why I went away with vexation, he told me that the church also knows this but that changing now from God and Lord now that I am proclaiming the Sacred names ‘Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach’, meaning the honestly deceived masses to take correction now poses a serious exposure of the havocs done by Christendom.
Excuse me, do you want eternal life? Then do not close your mind to proven facts. Question all things, prove all things by the Scriptures and history. Take the word of Yahweh above mortal man, above all isms and doctrine of man religions. Scriptures states that after the Israelites settled in the land of Canaan, they mixed up with the Canaanites that Yahweh forbid them to do (Neh. 13:23-26). Even their language too was polluted. All the 12 tribes of Israel forsook Yahweh, his laws, Feasts, Solar year Calendar, and even His Holy name (Yahweh). They married their days and went into the Canaanite religion of sacrificing of animals, called burnt offering, burned incense incense on moon dates to their idol Gods. They went to the extent of burning their sons and daughters to death to their Gods. They used divinations and enchantments, thus they kept not the Commandments of Yahweh, but walked in the status of the pagans 11 Kings 17:7- 20; Isa. 47:1214; Jer. 7:2234) that Judith did not walk in them (Ezek. 5:56; 20:1016, Amos 5:2127. ###

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