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Veteran Sports Men Should Sustain Sports

Veteran sports men and women should have a better reason to sustain the particular sports that had made them veteran sports men and women. This is because no other person outside that sport could understand the worth of that particular sport that they have passed through to make their fame.
Where the money is there, they could go into partnership with government, organization and even well-to-do individuals, after all they will still have publicity. And above all they would have given talented souls to have excelled to make a living with such sports.
Sports today is a career, that is why the veterans should as a matter of seriousness create an enabling environment for companies, well-to-do individuals and the government to understand what sports mean to the lives of the youths. No other person outside sports could champion a course for the various sporting events available for the youths to exploit.
Today we hear about great sports men like King Pele of Brazil, Mohammed Ali, Serena Williams, Rashidi Yekini, Jackson Bidei, just to mention a few. These men did not originate the very particular sports that they did excel in their times. People started the sports and they keyed into them and excelled because the sports were sustained. Besides, the talents for the sports are there. Hence they key in and become heroes and heroines in their right. ###

Alanso Jonathan Allanso

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