

Crumbling in a rumbling world
Ours was the beggar role
Turned down from the expected
Rumbling in life facet
Where ego rule our pride
Here and there, we are
Sliced in our real self
Care not we never would
One thought all the way
But we must come home
Either to swim or dry in ego
Never one in charge of his destiny
Fate we all have to decide
One day either now or later
But in our crumbling and rumbling
We gathered unto ourselves the lot
Chains of antagonist ideas
Which never paid us well.
We must like to answer for
Good or bad, is yet to decide.
No one man owns the universe
No not one with his might
Only Yahweh sees in twitters
Their chosen lives of paradise
But they must come home
One day, just one day
To grace what they have planted
Because what you sow same you reap
This is the law let watching all beings,
Immutable as it is
Powerful to all might
A universal decider of all lives
Educated and wealthy
All must surrender to you
Rumbling in the dark
Surely will have its day
A day of revelation
Where all actions will be proved voluntarily or involuntarily
Then I come to know
Truth in its horizon.

By Allanso Jonathan Allanso
Facebook: Allanso Jonathan Allanso
Email: j4real91@yahoo.com

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