It is obvious that toxic substances in small amounts will always be present in the school environment because discarded metal pipes from disused plumbing system are still available in some schools. Two categories of toxic substance of concern in land application systems of solid waste have been identified as
Those that have greatest potential for degrading ground water quality beneath land application systems and those likely to cause toxicity to higher plants. These substances constitute the chemical content of solid waste generated in the school system and they also respond to treatment in the soil.
Another solid waste characteristics that has a serious health implication is vector attraction, vectors are any living organisms capable of transmitting pathogen from one organism to another. They are principal route for transportation of pathogens. Vector for transport of solid waste pathogens are generally insects, rodents and birds. A subs part of EPA regulations require that the attractiveness of solid waste to vector be reduced to decrease the disease risk from solid waste (US EPA 1992)
The above points and discussion so far have established the fact that the dumping and exposure of solid waste in our school system cerates unsafe environment for the children and youth of this great nation. Now the question is how the problem can be solved.
Preliminary Steps towards Solid Waste Management
The first appioain handling the various constituents of solid waste outlined in table is sorting unskilled labour including the normal cleaners should be carefully instructed to sort solid system. Three separate sites can be established
Site 1: Incinerator: The biologically non-degradable but ignitable wastes like polyethylene plastic bags PVC pipes, wood and broken glass materials can be sorted out for incineration. Broken glass although not ignitable are degradable by continual heating.
Emeka Jilly Ejiowhor