
The Law Of Cycles (2)

As it was written earlier, the cycles of life for the discerning individual can easily be noticed if the individual decides to note the pattern of the experiences and events in his life. This is because these events follow a definite pattern starting from the date of his birth.
On a yearly basis, the experiences in the life of the individual can be divided into four distinct parts which coincide with the four divisions in the life of the universes of the lower worlds. If one observes carefully, one can easily discover that they are repeated within a period of twelve years which is sub-divided into the twelve months of the year and also divided into the two twelve hour periods of the day and the night also.
One would also discover that these patterns also fall in line with the rhythm of the Audible Life Stream which is actually the Holy Spirit, The voice of God. This voice manifest as the Light and Sound of God. These are the two aspects of the Holy Spirit that guides the individual both in his spiritual and physical activities. When the individual cultivates the art of listening to the Holy Spirit, then the individual would be guided into taking the right decisions at all times.
But how can one cultivate the art of listening to the voice of God without going through any intermediaries?
The first step is for the individual to acknowledge the fact that it is possible to have a one on one communication with God. This communication is not achieved through beseeching God or trying to bend the will of God. The whole idea about the Law of cycles is about knowing the will of God and aligning ones will to the will of God. Through this alignment, the individual would be practicing self-surrender to this will of God and eventually gain spiritual freedom.
The first step then is for the individual to stop the aimless one way communication with God through telling God what to do through praying and thought forms. Whether man prays or not, the will of God will be done anyway in all situations. Then man can migrate from telling God what to do to that stage where man would rather find a way to understand what God is saying and listening to instructions from God. For man to achieve this technique of listening to God he must learn how to tune in within himself and hear this melodious music of God through his Spiritual ears. This can be made possible when man learns how to be ‘still and know God’. This being ‘still’ is known as the way of communication with God without asking God for anything whatsoever. This technique is also known as contemplation.
The second step is for the individual to make the necessary contact with the Holy Spirit. This is achieved through the silent repetition of the Holy and Sacred name of God known as the Hu.
The way to sing it is to find a quiet place where the individual will not be disturbed for about twenty minutes, preferably before bedtime. The individual will then allow love or loving moments to go through the mind. This is very necessary for the individual to be able to make contact with God. For love is the passkey into the heart of God. As these loving thoughts go through the mind of the individual, he should take in very deep breaths and on the outward breath, sing the word HU as in HUuuuuuuugh! continuously for about five minutes before bedtime. Rather than beg God for anything, the individual practitioner can ask God for any information concerning the cycles of events in his life. If the individual has been finding it difficult in obtaining feedback from God, he would notice that singing HU, the secret name of God can make the difference.
Once the individual decides to sing the HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God, he has been able to secure the attention of God. This is because calling God by the name God has given Itself by Itselff for Itself demands a response like no other from God! This name of God has nothing to do with either the individual was a sinner on not. It has nothing to do with either the individual belong to any particular religion or not and sure it has nothing to do with the spiritual status of the individual. All the individual requires is to have enough love to see him through the session.
The third and most important stage is for the individual to receive a feedback from this communication with God. This is achieved through obtaining feedback from the dream state. This information from God through the dream is now recorded to know the will of God in any situation we are facing. This ‘knowing the will of God’ will then guide our decision making process in deciding the best cycle to carry out these instructions from God.
For the individual who now desires to learn to predict the events in his life, he should start by recording past events in his life for the last three to four years repeatedly for the last twelve years and he would be able to decipher a cycle in the events in is life that has been programmed for a specific purpose. These events are actually the same lessons repeated in different forms for the spiritual upliftment of the individual.
Though the events may appear different, the bottom-line is to teach the individual one aspect of the spiritual laws of the Holy Spirit that the individual requires to learn. The individual would then learn the path of self responsibility, now realizing that all the events in his life were actually caused by the individual in the first place. And only the individual can resolve such problems.
The resolution begins with singing the HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God.
Next Week: Mastering our Spiritual Destiny.

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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