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Life begins with learning in every society in the world. And the oxford advanced learner’s dictionary, the 6 edition defines education as a process of teaching, training and learning, especially in schools or colleges, to improve knowledge and develop skills. In the same vein education is described as the bedrock of development. Which means education and development go hand in hand (in Pan Pasu). It is of general acceptance that without good standard of education there will be no tangible development. Education does not come to an end so far as there is existence of life. That is why nations of the world can not abandon it no matter its heavy budgeting.
The school system can be seen in three dimensions: The primary, the secondary and the tertiary. The primary school is the basic and the basics of the education system of any nation. Without a sound or standard primary school system, the secondary schools might not have sound students who will in turn gain admission to Universities and again and become employable graduates. It is a normal phenomenon; when the tap root of a tree is sound, the tree in turn will yield good fruits.
No wonder Governor Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi of Rivers State in his first and this second tenure embarked on aggressive development of the primary and secondary school system in the state. It is worthy to say that since the creation of Rivers State, this is the first time the school plant are having the same architectural design. The Rivers State model primary school is a fantastic design when one looks at the wonderful edifice. Indeed, it is a thing of joy seeing such model primary school in rural areas of the State.
Thus, the government of Rivers State through the Ministry of Education has also enter into partnership with an Indian firm on how to bring to fore the proper management of the schools. This is as a result of lack of maintenance culture. But as the government is building new school buildings the old ones in some areas that are not part of the programme (Model Primary School) should be equipped and rehabilitated for sound learning and teaching activities to take place.
The government of Rivers State under the leadership of Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi is working. The even distribution of the model primary schools across the twenty three Local Government Areas of the State is unprecedented in the history of the state. According to Thomas Huxley in 1948, education is the instruction of the intellect in the laws of nature, under which should be included not merely things and their forces, but also men and their ways; and the fashioning of human affection and will into an earnest and loving desire to move in harmony with these laws. Therefore, it becomes necessary that in all human activities and engagements, sensible managers should seek to discover through personal experience, the laws under which things and men operate better. As the government is fighting hard to revamp primary and secondary schools in Rivers State, Local Government Council, stake holders, and corporate organizations should support the government in its vision in the education sector.
In one of the communities in Rivers State, precisely Umuebulu in Etche Local Government Area, Eze Augustine Okechukwu Njoku, ugosinach I of umuebulu con,gratulated the Governor, RT. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi for awarding contract for the building of model primary school in his community. In the same vein, he also appealed to the Governor to equip the existing State school, Umuebulu, Etche, where pupils of the school learn and study on bare floor without seats. The six classrooms in the school do not have seats even for teachers. Indeed, as the government is aggressively tackling the menace in the system, there is need for government of Rivers State to quickly provide seats for the pupils of state school, Umuebulu and other government schools in the state. The pupils today are the leaders of tomorrow in one way or the other. There is no doubt in Rivers State that the government is working. It is also the duty of patriotic citizens to assist the government to meet its Obligation to the people especially in education sector.
It is a welcome development that some of the model primary schools in Rivers State have facilities for extra curricular activities. Which implies that all work and no play make Jack a dull boy. Today, during break period in the model primary schools pupils are seen engaging in one sporting activity or the other. This will help build and develop mental and health system of the pupils. As a matter of urgent attention, government well meaning individuals should provide seats and chairs in the schools where pupils are sitting on bare floor to learn. The sorry sight of this development is that the pupils are dirty as they journey home after school every day.
In the view of Amirize Bright in year 2000, school plant/facilities planning is not a matter of undue enthusiasm or sentiments; rather, it is the rational justification of what is being done of the grounds that take, educational principles and other factors in to consideration. Rational planning would not result in the throwing away whatever that was good in previous plans and efforts, in an attempt to bring some “revolution” into the school system. The use of “bulldozer” or “gun boat” approach in the enforcement of new changes has not been found the most appropriate approach in bringing lasting innovations in human organizations. The school system in particular strives to maintain a stable continuity and progress in human societies by preserving and perpetuating what is good in human culture and human activities. Therefore, the role of the school system to maintain a stable balance between the old and the new must be recognized and taken into consideration.
There is need for provision of serene and conducive classrooms for learning and teaching to take place. And in improving knowledge and developing skills, the school system must have the necessary equipment to aid learning and teaching. The Rivers State government should also put to use the model primary schools in the rural areas as it is done in Port Harcourt. It is the earnest expectation of the rural children to have a taste of the beautiful edifice. Sound education will promote nation. Education is the key for tomorrow’s development of Rivers State and Nigeria. Let us join hands to develop the education sector for a better tomorrow.

Frank Eneawaji Ogwuonuonu

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