
The Law Of Cycles

‘’There is a tide in the affairs of men which when taken at the flood leads on to fortune”-W Shakespeare
Indeed, there is a season for every activity in the life of Soul in Human form but how many of us have ever pondered this?. But we all carry on in life as if there is no rhythm to life, as if life has no deeper meaning than being born, growing up and waiting for death. This is the bane of ninety-nine percent of the HU-man race!
The law of cycles implies that for ever thought, word or action of man or any creature, there is a particular cycle or rhythm that is best suited for such thought, word or action. In other words if one were to be aware of this law, on would maximize the benefits derivable from our thoughts, word and actions at a particular time best suited for it.
That is the essence of the law of cycles!
Since the beginning of time and the creation of the lower worlds and the universes, all living and inanimate things were created to follow the rhythm of life which actually is the rhythm of the Holy Spirit from which all things manifest were created and sustained. Documentations from early civilizations of the Chinese and the Egyptians indicated that this rhythm can be calibrated into time waves from which early man derived the daily cycle which is further broken down into the twelve hourly cycles and further into the sixty minute cycles and on and on.
For instance the very life of the universe is divided into four distinct parts namely the Golden age, the Silver age, the Bronze age and the Iron age.
The golden age signifies the period of great achievement in the spiritual history of man. This period constitute about four tenths of the total period of cosmic history of the Human race. It was the era in which truth and righteousness prevailed. Social laws were not required at this period in the history of man simply because every one acted right and believed in truth. This was the period of perpetual spring in the affairs of the HU-man race.
This period was then followed by the Silver age where the year was now divided into seasons and anxiety began to creep into the affairs of man. For the first time man had to learn the difference between cold and heat. Man had to learn the relationship between sowing seeds and reaping the rewards therein. This period was also shorter in span compared to the Golden age.
The Bronze age was further shortened according to the divine plan because of the increase in the anxiety man would experience in his spiritual education. Men found themselves more savage of temper and were ready to fight at the least of provocation. These were the beginning of the destructive eras where the negative power started making inroads into the affairs of man in order to hold Soul back in Its journey back home to God.
The Iron age is the fourth period of the cosmic history of man. That is the period we are living in today. It is the most violent in the spiritual history of man but equally a period of great spiritual opportunity. For at every age, the spiritual opportunity presented to man is directly proportional to the rise of violence in the affairs of man.
Is it any wonder that man runs to God only at times of great tribulations?
Incidentally, all the affairs of man onto the very least follow this same pattern but who would guide man in the study of these patterns of life except those who know? This is why I have often stressed the need for that individual who is interested in the love of God to understudy a Master who knows the way of God because the details of life cannot be taught on the pages of newspapers. This is because any information given easily is never valued but some smart HU-man being would cultivate this only for commercial purposes.
These special laws are only taught by the Living Godman, the Spiritual Coach who holds the secret to the great mystery of life.
For instance why would man have seven days in a week? Is there a correlation between these seven days and the seven colors of the rainbow?
Why would we have twelve months in a year and not thirteen or fourteen? Is it by coincidence that we have twelve months?
Why would the night and day be divided and measured in a cycle of twelve for both day and night?
Why would we have the cycle of three dominating the affairs of man as we would have in the trinity of the Holy Spirit?
Correspondingly, if man were to look into the activities in his life every twelve years is there a pattern in all the things that befall man in this period?
If man were to observe activities in his life every three to four years can he deduce that the experiences in his life were being repeated every four years for his spiritual benefit and education?
Oh man of the twenty-first century, pause a moment and see the Glory of God in even the songs of the birds around you, the chirpings of the crickets, the bleating of goats, the barking of dogs and the cries of the toads and frogs in the swamp, don’t they tell a story of the rhythm of the Audible Life Stream, the Holy Spirit?
But the man of today is more interested in prosperity and the love of money for how can man be able to observe this rhythm of life in the simple creatures around man?
All these creatures sing the HU so that man can be uplifted spiritually.
But are we listening?

By Tuborki Dauyemie
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