Soul Mate


Thanks to all of you that have stood by the Soul Mate column. You are the reason I murder sleep, staying awake till late in the night to feed you information and counseling every Thursday.
If we are doing well, appreciate us in kind and we will be spurred to serve you even better. There is no Soul Mate without you. In other words, you are the Soul Mate and Soul Mate is you.
You make the Soul Mate, hence we request you to appreciate us by texting in your reactions, contributions and requests.
You can text in to the number provided on whatever topic you feel we should treat, ideas, complaints; it is on this note that I urge house wives to report their husbands negative behaviours they wanted changed to the Soul Mate. Same for husbands. I assure you, you will be glad of the exercise. Both husbands and wives will be happy together once again.
This column is purely educative and interactive, as such, your views, opinions and ideas are considered with the utmost regard. Why not seize the opportunity to spice up your relationship? What do you want discussed in this column? Text in your ideas, opinions and views. It is on this note that in this edition we will discuss a topic that affects every living soul on earth, whether married or single. It is very involuntary and natural with every soul except you do not have blood flowing in your veins.
Loneliness is a natural emotional phenomenon that comes naturally with being let alone or being deserted, while you desire to be with someone at least, for those that do not have an intimate partner.
WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO CURB THIS A)The most desiring answer is to get your mind on a task. Concentrate your mind’s eye and energy to something precious with the totality of your feelings.
B)You can watch a football match, for those that love football and get talking along with every action as if your life depends on the match.
C) Go for a mind transfer exercise while engaging in a serious exercise to ease off the loneliness
D) Get your mind involved in scriptural exercise. Give your mind energy to scriptural research. Get deep in scriptural passages. For a start, you can take on Psalm 23 and move on to some other chapters. Please also include proverbs.
E)Try your best to redirect your mind’s eye from an ugly incident that had affected you before. This will ease the monthly tension in your mind off completely.
F)If possible change your scene. Try as much as you could to go for natural scenes of nature, like watching the stream, walking in a quiet bush where birds and wind making their melodies.
G) Try to meditate about the beauty of nature. Add listening to your favourite artistes songs.
Lastly, never encouraged yourself to be alone with your mind in a particular place. This is the time you need not stay in one place, doing that only puts you in more dangers.
Next edition we will talk about the dangers posed by being lonely. Till next week, keep reading and buying The Newswriter Newspaper.
Dear Editor, my name is Patrick, I am a business executive residing in Port Harcourt, I was introduced to your paper by a friend recently and after going through five editions, I find your paper very rich. I must confess to you, I find the Soul Mate column most interesting. Please keep the good job up.
Dear Editor, I am a married lady residing in Calabar, I am interested in your paper but cannot get it in Calabar, how do I get a copy every week when you come out. I am Mercy.
Ans: Thank you very much both Patrick and Mercy. In as much as you are interested and appreciate what we are doing we will keep serving you to the best of our ability. For Mercy, why not get a vendor for us at Calabar? You can also read us in the internet.
Dear Editor, I am Amanda, 45 years old, married woman. I am interested to know whether you screen the text messages you receive before publishing them. This is because I found out that almost the text from the ladies are requesting for mature men good in bed.
Ans: Thank for your observation. My answer is yes. Everybody on this column has the right to request their most preferred partner with his or her criteria (interest). Thanks madam Amanda. Keep reading The Newswriter newspaper.
Dear Editor, I am Precious, 22 years old lady, never had sex before and I also hate men because of what I see some men do to young ladies of my age. Does sex fuel relationship?
Ans: My dear Precious, well it depends on the relationship you are looking at. In a marriage relationship, I can tell you yes. Outside marriage, my answer is no. The more you give sex to your man, the more you become cheap to him. Your value is in your private part as a woman. It is only married partners that have that express permission to have sex at will. Any sex outside of marriage is frowned at by Yahweh your creator.
For hating men, I have this advice for you, Precious. All men are not the same. If you go on thinking that way, you will end up not getting married to a man.
As a married lady giving quality sex brings your husband closer to you, but where you refused or deny him sex regularly, you are simply sending him to a lady outside who is willing to invite him to her arms. If this happens you will be the one to be worried.
One best way to keep your man to yourself is to give him sex anytime he needs it willingly without any form of appeal. Goodluck.
This edition, followers of star service in the Soul Mate column will have opportunity to know the behaviour of the zodiac sign, PISCES.
If you are born February 19-20th March, you are a Pisces. We will give you in bits your behaviour in this edition and follow up next edition with the remaining. Those who want career and most suitable partner should text the Soul Mate with N500 recharge card of the following networks, Glo, MTN, Airtel and Etisalat.YOUR
You are, quick, vigilant, industrious, witty and somewhat sarcastic in your remarks, but never biting or unpleasant.
Impotence: Those men, who cannot perform in bed, please go get banana and make use of it as your friend. And those whose sperms are watery, please chew groundnuts as your therapy. Apart from building quality sperm for you, it will help you make madam happy in the bedroom.
Till next week, keep reading us. ###

Allanso Jonathan Allanso

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