
Building A Nation On Suspicion

Indirect rule was the first administrative system adopted by the British administrators in Nigeria. In 1914, the northern and southern protectorates were amalgamated. This was because southern and northern were parallel in all ramifications. So, the British administration saw reason to bring together the two regions for effective and smooth running of the system.
Indeed, the process was initiated by the British government without any contribution from the indigenous Nigerians. The leaders of the two regions were not properly consulted for the said amalgamation. And there was fear of association or mutual coexistence of the regions brought together to form an entity now known and called Nigeria. It was working for the interest of the British Government while the citizens were in a state of doubt. But the British forged a head with the policy so far as they were getting positive result in terms of taxes or revenue from the introduction of amalgamation.
Indirect rule really worked in the north very well as a result of the revered position of the emirs. Their subjects thought that they were being ruled by the emirs; not knowing that behind the emirs were British officers. Such administrative strategy did not wok in the south. In the south citizens were seen not paying total allegiance to their leaders.
Moreso, the structure which the British laid as a foundation for Nigerian State did not have the consent of Nigerian people. All was done to protect business or commercial interest of the British government in the land. Thereby, making Nigerian people to see themselves as strangers to strangers in their God given land. This is not because Nigerian people cannot live together and pool their resources but this was as a result of not participating in the amalgamation process which brought together the southern and northern protectorates. The minds of Nigerians know the truth and they act according to what are in their minds and not what is written down as constitution or policy. The stakeholders of the various regions do not have any clear agenda for generality of Nigerian State. In practice what is often found is regional interest.
In 1960 Nigeria got her independence from the colonial master Britain. And yet the suspicion is seen in government policies when it comes to implementation. The slogan “One Nigerian” is: not called with good intention right from the beginning. It is only used publicly very well when there is food for selected leaders and when there are crises to resolve. It is high time Nigerians realize the truth and work for the betterment of Nigeria.
This has brought the call for sovereign national conference to the fore. In Nigeria sovereign national conference is seen to be the only capable tool to the age long suspicion that had been in the government of Nigerian State. It is pitiable. Even when the president is trust worthy to carry every region along in terms of developmental strides there is room for public suspicion. The scripture asks, “if the foundation is the destroyed what can the righteous do’? One Nigeria should be seen in word and in deeds and not with our mouths alone.
A nation standing or sifting on a faulty foundation can not exist for too long a time. The scripture says: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you tree,” John:8:32. Nigeria’s State is threatened with suspicion. Nobody is ready to say the truth. Because there is high level of suspicion in Nigeria and that has given room for foreigners to infiltrate into our government to wreck havoc in the national economy. It is time for suspicion to be exterminated in Nigeria. It is a known fact that Nigeria has many, ethnic groups fighting for survival. Nigerian State is suffering under development and corruption as a result of tribal suspicion. No nation can develop in the state of suspicion. In a suspicious nation every citizen is a suspect thereby under pinning development of the country.
Nigerians are worried about the state of things. The old structures on which the leadership of the country is sifting on should be demolished. Suspicion is cancerous and does not encourage mutual relationship. Our country has suffered so much in the hand of suspicion. Our national policies are under threat of suspicion. The citing of government projects in some regions is attributed to the factor of suspicion.
There is need for all ethnic groups to decide the way forward and do away with suspicion. President Good Luck Jonathan’s government is facing series of security challenges because of suspicion. Because a region has declared, “they are born to rule” and so any body who is elected from another region to rule Nigeria is an infidel. Without mimicking words, the age long errors must be corrected now. Because building a nation on suspicion will ruin our dear nation. Suspicion encourages corruption.
The error made by the colonial master by amalgamating the southern and northern protectorates must be revisited and restructured. Every Nigeria must realize that Nigeria belongs to all Nigerians and not a section. Therefore all should have a sense of belonging to rule or govern when occasion demands. Let us rise to save Nigeria from collapsing. Let us write one Nigeria in our hearts.
Frank Eneawaji Ogwuonuonu is a public affairs analyst who resides in Port Harcourt.


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