
Never See Yourself A Fugitive

Never see yourself a fugitive
And fret not when the tide is against you
Seek not the help of men
Which never brings true happiness
But always count on divine help
Which never fails

Look up and smile
When the tidal waves are high against you
And there seem nothing practical for you to do
Tie a knot where you are
Your divine father will surely send you help

You have tried your best
And there seem nothing working out
Divine providence is about to come your way
Like the night fiddle away for the day
Know your rainbow is about to show case
Your sun must definitely shine
Your day will soon break
Your reproach will soon be known no more
Because your hair on your head
Are all count by your heavenly father

You are not a creation mistake
You are a model to nature’s artwork
Today is a chance, given to you
Yesterday was history
Tomorrow will always be a mystery
So waste not your beautiful days
Look while you may
Count your blessings
To name them one by one

Allanso Jonathan Allanso
Email: j4real91@yahoo.com
Facebook: Allanso Jonathan Allanso
G.S.M: 08037384663

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