Soul Mate


In our last edition we introduced compatibility in a relationship and promised to treat each of the factors as enumerated. It is on this note that this week, we will be taking the factors in bits.
(a) Physical Compatibility: Is the size or shape of a partner compared with the other partner you are going into relationship with. Is he or she of the same size with you? Do you measure the same size or on equal size (like Aki, Chinedu Ikedieze and Mrs. Nneoma Ikedieze)? Is he or she fat while you are slim? You have the right to measure up or match up with any size but the question is, is society seeing you compatible in size? Can he freely see you in public glare anyhow?
(b) Social Compatibility: Are you socially compatible? Is your partner interested in social outings like parties, going out to attend social ceremonies, while you do not like it? Do you have the degree of likeness for social activities like your partner? This is another sensitive area that usually cause confusion and problems in houses. So before you say yes, have you checked out for these factors in your partner’s life.
(c) Emotional compatibility: This is the way one behaves. Have you known the way your proposed partner behaves to situations at will involuntarily? Male or female, check out first before embarking on the journey that you will never come back to say no, because marriage is for better or for worse. Take note. This has caused many broken marriages at will, because partners did not take this factor into consideration before saying yes.
(d) Financial compatibility: Have you checked whether your proposed partner, both male and female, if you are both compatible in the area of finance? This simply means, where the man does not have the finance to propel certain projects, are you capable to see the project through without his support, mostly domestic affairs? This will advise the ladies to embark on revenue generating ventures on their own as not to depend on him, although it is widely accepted that the man provides for every need of the woman in the home, as far as marriage relationship is concerned. There may be times the man also looks back at his life. You, the woman, is the manager and mother of the man and the home.
(e) Economic Compatibility: How sincere and careful do you know your proposed partner’s way of handling economic matters in his or her life? Does he or she spend without having after effect plans? Can your partner sustain the family with a meager amount of money within a stipulated period of time (judiciously)? This is very important too. Check out before you say yes. This is to both males and females. The woman here stands to play a crucial role here in giving hope in this factor. Because the man becoming somebody basically depends on the woman’s managerial acumen of the money dished out for her domestic use. (Mind you the woman is the manager of the man and his resources both at home and in his life).
(f) Religions Compatibility: This is a very sensitive factor in marriage relationship that needs utmost care and understanding. Every denomination or religious sect has doctrine. It is the doctrine that tends to tear apart wife and husband, because by the time the wife wants to go out for a particular programme according to the doctrine of her faith, the husband may want her at that time. This conflict in belief tends to scatter both partners, except one will play the fool to accommodate the other partner. The man is mostly directed here to play the fool, in order to sustain the marriage
(g) Sexual Compatibility: How much do you enjoy your partner in love making? Very crucial. Are you of the same libido? Do you match yourself in every bit of sexuality? Do you go with him in every round of sex (loving making) or you are comfortable with only once? This area is essential. Lack of compatibility in this area has caused marriage homes to break. The size of organ of their male partners, the depth of their female partners’ organ, all contribute. Those men that have small organs as a result do not enjoy sex with their partner when thier female partners have deep cunt. The man complains, same for the woman, indicating that they are somehow not sexually compatible. Though, with sincere understanding these set of partners could find a position that could take care of this area. Please contact the editor of the Soul Mate if you have this problem for counseling. Goodluck.
NB: Social compatibility is another serious factor; basically some ladies would not get married to a man who they are better in education. Many ladies would not like to marry a man who does not match their social background. May be a man from a poor family, When the lady comes from a rich family background.

You are this generation’s blessing
Dear editor, I am Akpala, writing from Aba. I got your paper through a friend. After going through your Soul Mate column, I am hereby saying it authoritatively to you that you are a blessing to this generation. Blessed is the womb that carried you for nine months. Please keep it up and God will reward you with long life, wisdom and His favour. Bless you brother. Akpala, from Aba.
I would want you to be my mentor.
Dear editor, I am Anita, 18 years lady residing in Port Harcourt. I am a good reader of your column, the “Soul Mate.” I cannot die in silence, I have no choice after reading 10 editions last year, I am convinced that you are divinely gifted with wisdom, hence I am appealing to you to be my mentor. Please do not reject the offer, I mean it. My number 08183027988.
Ans: who says Soul Mate is not helping the society? Yes, it always gladness my heart any time I receive such glorious testimonies from our esteemed readers. For Mr. Akpala, all the way from Aba waoh, I lack words to express my happiness. What I can only say is thank you and keep reading us every Thursday. We promise to serve you with packages that will make you happy. My appeal to you and people like Mr. Akapla, help to spread The Newswriter for others to read us too. You can apply to be our vendor and we shall be happy we have you. Reach out to the Publisher on these lines 08075513394, 08098551120.
For Anita, who am I to reject an appeal from you? As you rightly put it, am a servant of the most high whose ineffable personal sacred name is Yahweh. I am available for you my dear. Call me for us to meet one-on-one. Thank you all the same. Keep spreading the good news about The Newswriter . Tell your peers what they will gain by reading The Newswriter every Thursday. Goodluck.
How long will one have sex to produce a baby?
Dear Editor, I am a newly married man, I want to know how long will a man make love to produce a baby? I want your sincere advice, because I have seen the deep knowledge you display in answering other people’s questions.
Ans: My brother, I thank you for believing in me. But you did not tell me how long you have got married. Though, I am not a medical doctor, this I must tell you. It does not matter how many times you have sex with your wife that connect to produce a baby for you. Once is okay to result into pregnancy. It depends on the ovulation period of your wife. According to you, you are newly married, why not wait for Yahweh’s time while praying and confessing your sins.
Worry not brother, Yahweh will visit you with a baby. It is very clear you need a baby urgently. Please be careful, those who worry too much end up in disaster. I know that will not be your portion in Yahoshea’s name. Halleluyah
Star service
In concluding with Aquarius we are giving a dash to all those who are born in this month of January. The most suitable job in career.
Males born in January are most fortunate in vehicle mechanic or mechanical engineer. They are also sound politicians, traders. Most of them are lovers of travel.
Women born in January are good in hotel management or selling of food, needle work of all kinds and any job related to tailoring.
Herbal service
This week we are going to help out in reducing obesity in women. Those women who are obese should eat more of fruits than baked and oil food. Try also to avoid fried and baked foods. Instead drink water and make fruits intake part of your life.
Eat protein and iron food to get good result, I sure tell you, you will be reduced in shape, and also be healthy looking.
Beauty is another thing that comes with this therapy. Please be sincere if you deserve to get good result. Goodluck till next week. Keep reading the soul Mate.
N.B: Couples could send in their wedding pictures for publication in the Soul Mate columns. Submit your picture at The Newswriter’s office, No. 23 Hospital Road, Town, for free.
Beautiful ladies could also send their pictures for publication as The Newswriter girl of the week. For further inquiry call 08082649997. ###

Allanso Jonathan Allanso

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