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A good government remains the greatest of human blessings, and no nation has ever enjoyed it” (William R. Inge). But, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, whose people he has chosen as his own… the best equipped army cannot save a king – for great strength is not enough to save anyone. A war horse is a poor risk for winning victories. It is strong but it cannot save. But the eyes of the Lord are watching over those who fear him, who rely upon his steady love. He will keep them from death even in times of famine (economic recession). We depend upon the Lord alone to save us. Only he can help us; he protects us like a shield” (Ps. 33:12-20, TLB). Basic to successful and effective governance in democratic and spiritual leadership or rulership is “trust”. When trust is in place leadership and governance function effectively to meet the people’s expectations. The moment trust is eroded effective governance is reduced. Hence, God in trying to execute His good plans to better the lots of His people will always demand that the people should and must put Him total trust in Him to perform (See Jer. 29:11, Ps. 37:5-7, Prov3:5-7, Isa. 40:28-31). They that trust in God when the economic policies of government make life miserable shall overcome the effects of fuel subsidy removal (Jer. 17:7-8). God established and enthroned the Government of President Jonathan Goodluck. It is not an accident that this is the only Government in history of Nigeria that had taken politics out of governance. In that right from his election till now His government has initiated and taken courageous decisions not minding whose ox is gored. Not minding his Party’s interest, he promised free and fair elections, he frown at rigging for him, submitted himself to all processes of election and was duly elected. Election hailed by all including the international community. As minister of God, I am not a partisan politician. We all know the history of governance and past leaders of this country Nigeria. If a man kept his word in one, he deserve to be giving the benefit of doubt to execute his economic policies that he says will transform Nigeria and Nigerians to succeed. In one part we must trust God as the scripture cited above state to overcome “famine” (economic recession and hardship). So also on a second part, we must trust Government, if we are to overcome current effects of fuel subsidy removal. As I said in an earlier article, “fuel subsidy removal: short time pains, long time gains”, fuel subsidy removal is just one of the processes God is using President Jonathan to process, transit and refine Nigeria and Nigerians to become economic world power. world power.
Scripture teach that, “Remind your people to obey (trust, submit) the government and its officers, and always to be obedient and ready for honest work. They must not speak evil of anyone, nor quarrel, not be gentle and truly courteous to all” (Titus 3:1-2, TLB). Obedience, submission connotes “trust”. If you trust a person, you will obey and submit to his orders, directives and rule. If you don’t trust the Government that God sets over you, you reduce the ability of God to use the government to perform and enforce policies that will better the citizenry. The moment you oppose, agitate revolt and protest against policies of Government or ordinance of governance that God instituted you invite God’s judgment. Read the account of Satan’s fall (See Isaiah 28 cp. Ezek. 14), and Man’s fall (See Gen.3). All received God’s judgment on account of opposition to God’s express directives and principles of governance. Is the government of President Jonathan ordain of God? Was he democratically elected? Does the constitution empower him to initiates policies that will enable him carryout his electoral promises and programmes? Does the constitution say that Civil Society organizations, human right activists and ter Nigerians? Nigeria Labour Congress should disobey lawful orders of our courts to agitate, protest and destroy the economic activities that are meant to better Nigerians?
If no, then, such groups and persons are inviting God’s judgment. Trust in Government policies and officers of government are the incentive and motivation to perform. It doesn’t matter what have been before now. God is a God of second chance. Has the protest and strike better the economy? Has it transform Nigerians and develop the economy of Nigeria Nation? Check the amount the nation is losing daily when the strike is on, is it not sufficient to repair our non-performing refineries, grow our economy, put in place better equipped hospitals, schools and construct good roads for our people? Should government consult every Dick, Tom and Harry before it can initiates policies that can transform Nigeria. Why did we elect this government, if we can’t trust them to perform if NLC, NMA, NANS, Activist, opposition parties and civil societies can do better or have better policies that can transform Nigeria and Nigerians they should wait till the expiration of the tenure of this government. To use democratic process of election to replace them. The hope of Christians for better Nigeria is not in earthly e by God. If it was the will of the major ethnic groups and religious warlords in this country, no South-South person will have been President. Yet the oil for which these economic experts and religious warlords are protesting and fighting to sustain the regime of oil subsidy is from Niger Delta. Every time l see these masquerade protesters in West and North of Nigeria, I praise God because they are making us, Niger Delta people to be wise and I see the greatness of Nigeria coming forth. A few oil cartel, election losers, religious bigots and Islamic jihadists cannot stop the greatness of Nigeria. human government but in God of this government. The God of the government of President Jonathan meant well for all Nigerians, and this government shall succeed. A few misguided Tunde Bakare and opposition parties cannot stop a government put in place by God. If it was the will of the major ethnic groups and religious warlords in this country, no South-South person will have been President. Yet the oil for which these economic experts and religious warlords are protesting and fighting to sustain the regime of oil subsidy is from Niger Delta. Every time l see these masquerade protesters in West and North of Nigeria, I praise God because they are making us, Niger Delta people to be wise and I see the greatness of Nigeria coming forth. A few oil cartel, election losers, religious bigots and Islamic jihadists cannot stop the greatness of Nigeria.
The third part is trust in ourselves, those being led or governed. “Honor Christ by submitting to each other” (Eph. 5:21, TLB). Trust each other. If we live in suspicion of God, Government and ourselves we destroy the basis of meaningful, purposeful and fruitful existence. We must learn, and build trust in ourselves no matter our ethnic origin, religious beliefs and political parties. Trust in God’s ability to rule, provide, protect and direct is pivotal to releasing grace to govern well by our government. For if we trust our government, we will pray, and obey the laws of the land and lawful orders of our courts not to go on strike. If we are praying for Government to succeed, and trust Government Officers, we will have less to criticize or oppose. Failure to trust ourselves breed suspicion and defeat our efforts to be great people and hinders development. Trust in God, Trust in Government and Trust in Ourselves is pivotal to curtailing the effects of fuel subsidy removal and providing platform for government economic policies to grow our economy and make Nigeria great. Have question, you may call: 08033399821. Or write: akpogena@yahoo.com. Stay blessed.

Dr. Lewis Akpogena

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