
Communicating with God

Only few of us believe or know that God can communicate directly with all Its creatures at the same time. Most of us have grown to be tutored in believing that we are unworthy of Gods presence in our lives. This is the reason why most of us will continue to seek ‘intermediaries’ whom we sometimes pay to help us ‘talk to’ God.
For more than six million years ago, man has attempted to decipher the mode of communicating with God. Priests of those days, because of their level of spiritual ability communicate with God through oracles as in ancient Greece and Egypt. Biblical writings also informed us that sometimes man communicated with God through dreams and the dream interpreters of those days wielded enormous powers over their kings and rulers of those days. We have been told how ‘dreamers’ of more than two thousand years ago became governors of provinces simply because they have the good fortune of being able to interpret their dreams.
But has God of today stopped talking to Its creatures?
Has the God who spoke to prophets of old, stopped talking to the men of today?
Has the man of today lost the technique of talking to God?
The religions of today have put a self made barrier between man and God. Man has been made to believe that he cannot communicate with God directly. He is given so many reasons ranging from unworthiness to the inaccessibility to God.
But God communicates with man on a moment to moment basis. But man must be trained to listen to the eternal voice of God.
God speaks to all irrespective of our religious leanings. Since God does not belong to any religion, It communicates to those who are willing and are ready to hears Its voice. The Holy Spirit is the Voice of God. This voice of God manifests to man and indeed all Its creatures through the Light and Sound of God. These two aspects of the Holy Spirit permeate all the universes of God and through them all life are sustained. But in man’s sojourn in the lower worlds, God has never left man alone. Man was given a lifeline to communicate with God at every point of need. But man needed to realize the spiritual aspect of himself to allow the direct communication between himself and God. The man who does not know God will continue to beseech God for every need until he would realize that he is praying to non other but the Spiritual aspect of himself known as Soul.
Through Dreams, Past life and Soul Travel, man can communicate with God directly. Of all the three modes, the most elementary is the dream state.
Since time immemorial, man has been dreaming dreams. But his problem has always been the interpretation of his dreams. Every dreamer would love to be a mouthpiece for God. This is why at this time of the year, different predictions would rent the air all purporting to carry instructions from God. But the spiritual man knows that those who receive instructions or prediction from God do not display this proficiency on the pages of newspapers. They obey the law of silence and allow the will of God to prevail at all times. The will of God will prevail in any case except that the man who makes himself a channel for negativity will only have this to reap.
Dreams are privileged information from God. Those who have mastered the art of dreaming will confirm that the art of spiritual dreaming requires a training that would enable the individual understand what messages God would be passing onto the individual recipient. The dream between an individual and God is actually meant for that individual alone. Dream messages for another individual would hardly be passed to another as a message. Any individual who declares to you that God has passed a message through that individual to another is operating on the level of black magic. Seldom would God pass a message of one individual through another. It is very rare indeed.
One of the ways we can understand our dreams is for us to record every dream we have for a period of three months. We would then observe a pattern that would enable us start predicting activities in our life. This is a first step to the required training.
Past Life information appear as dreams of opposites in the individual’s life. Some would say ‘my dreams come in an opposite way’ when actually God may be forewarning the individual of a future event of spiritual magnitude. But since the individual may be untrained he would either ‘pray’ against its occurrence or he would conclude that it is the will of God. Past life revelations show the reason why most things happen in our lives. It is tied in with Karma which most times give us the opportunities to correct the wrong actions we took in other lifetimes. It is an opportunity for us to ‘reap what we have sowed’. Dreams of past life show the ‘reason’ behind every situation in our lives. When we know the reason, we would not need to blame anyone for any ‘fortune’ or ‘misfortunes’ in our lives.
Soul travel is an act of communicating directly with God through an expansion of consciousness of man. This can happen while man is walking on the streets or in a bus or while asleep. A man who is in tune with the Holy Spirit of God communicates with God at all times. This is achievable if man ‘tunes’ his attention inwardly to the music of God that is always on within man. If man could only shut his eyes, blocks his ears for a minute he cannot but hear the melodious music of God which is within man at all times. This is the Sound of God that gives life to all life. It is this sound of God that gives man messages to God at all times but man has not been trained to hear the Audible Life Stream directly from God.
If any man can only stop to listen to this Holy Sound of God, such a man would be spiritually transformed.
But who can train man to hear this heavenly music or messages from God?
But how can man hear this melodious Sound of God? This sound is like the ‘rushing wind’, the ‘roar of thunder’, the ‘buzzing of bees’, the ‘roaring of ocean waves’, the ‘crying of a new born babe’.
This is the Sound of HU, the Holy and Sacred name of God.

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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