Soul Mate


Dear fans of The Newswriter Soul Mate column, permit me to make this appeal to you. Please pick your preferred partner as they are published but never have the intention of using the ladies that appear on the Soul Mate column as girlfriends and concubines. We offer the Soul Mate column to help solve your marital and loneliness statue of life. Try to appreciate our kind thought gesture. Yahweh bless you as you cooperate with the management of The Newswriter.
Hurray, we have finally secured a reliable Herbal service practitioner who will take care of your infertility problems, both men and women. Those who have married for a long time without children too can now smile as Dr. Mayor is very much available to attend to you. Your relationship diseases and sickness, weak erection, HIV 1 and 2 prevention, Ecoli, herpes, waist pain, painful menstruation and menstrual disorder, small penis, weak erection and dead organ, blockage of the fallopian tube and any spiritual attack or problem will be taking care of in this column for your assistance. Contact the Editor on 08082641999, 08168141499.
Dr. Major Herbes international centre for Alternative therapy is our partner to solve any problem emanating from relationship, even eye and spiritual problems. So be rest assured, we have taken our services to another level because we love you.
In this edition we will like to discuss the role of relatives in a relationship. Relatives may build a strong relationship for the two lovers or mar it. How?
Where relatives do not see anything good about their sons’ lives, that relationship will be bound to collapse. Same, if relatives of the woman do not have confidence in their prospective son-in-law’s life. That relationship will be full of crises.
(1) Study the weakness of each partner’s life styles and work on them instead of confrontation and condemnation. Both father and mother, sister and brother in laws could help build a solid relationship for two willing hearts that intend coming together as man and woman in this secular existence.
(2) Avoid gossip and tale-bearing in whatever circumstance.
(3) Prayer and advice in most cases are the strongest forces to build a willing relationship of two willing hearts from two different backgrounds.
(4) Forgo the past History, please forget the history of the man or the woman, but look on to their current perspective in life. Their family history is set by those that lived their lives at their time. The two young souls may not have hand in their fore-fathers deeds or lives. Judge them on how you see them. Even at that, you have prayer as your spiritual means or weapon to build the relationship for the two willing souls.
Next edition, keep searching for your partner in the Soul Mate column.

Dear Editor, I am Mamaba, 30 years, from Bayelsa state, I need you to help me out. I am in love with a young man of 35 years old, but the parents do not want me to settle down with their son. Advise me. What shall I do?
Ans: Dear Mamaba, there is a price for everything in life. If your man loves you so much then the battle is half won. Behave your life to tally with what the parents of your man want. Go extra mile in what they like most. Please text me the good result. Goodluck.
Dear Editor, I am Vivian, 25 years old, virgin. I have this man of 38 years disturbing me to be his woman. I am a afraid. Do I give him my consent?
Ans: Please Vivian, does the man want you as a girlfriend or as a wife? If as a wife, there is nothing wrong about that but you must be sure that he meant well for your well being. You must be sure of him as the man for your happiness. As a virgin, more men will disturb you. If you are not sure of him, run away from his sight. I have told you. The remaining choice is yours. I wish you Goodluck.
Dear Editor, I am Caro, 29 years old, I learnt you are still single and handsome, I am a trader with a degree. Can I be your beloved wife?
Ans: Well, I don’t know how to respond whether I am handsome or not, but I am single. You may try your lucky. I wish you Goodluck. Why not call me on this line 08082649997.

Star Services
We have some requests but we will not treat them because they do not include the N500 recharge card. As from next year, any star service request without N500 recharge card will not be treated. Please take note.
Lets highlight Capricorn (December 22- Jan 19)
Those who are born under December 22 to January 19 are called Capricorn in zodiac order.

Their behaviour
They are cool, calm, collected, dignified, faithful and sincere in affection and not easily changed, but their tendency to idealize brings suffering.
You are industrious, unwilling to serve others, decisive, self conscious and sensitive. You are fastidious, adore beauty and have luxurious personal taste, but a good financial manager. You are self reliant, practical and proud, yet you are idealistic to an impossible degree
Herbal services
Fibroid: Chew white kernel: A dosage of 25 kernel nuts each day is recommended for at least two months. ###

Allanso Jonathan Allanso

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