
Tips for Clean Healthy Environment


Environmental management is a creation of man (SIC). It centers on the activities of man and the relationship of the physical environment and the effected biological systems. The essence of environmental management is that, through a systematic analysis, understanding and control, it allows man to continue to evolve this technology without profoundly altering natural ecosystems. So what has environmental management got to do with public relation? In Nigeria, public relation has come a long way, especially with the signing into law of Decree No. 16: “Nigerian Institute of Public Relation Practitioners” in 1990 and subsequent accreditation of the institute. Professional programme by the Federal Ministry of Education has placed the institute on a platform of advantage to properly function and fulfill its mission statement
The United Kingdom Institute of Public Relation defined public relation as “a deliberated and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding” between an organization and its public.
According to Harloul, public relation is the distinctive management function which helps to establish and maintain mutual line of communication, acceptance and cooperation between an organization and its public. It involves the management of problems or issues, helps management to keep information and to be responsive to public opinion, defines and emphasizes the responsibility of management to save the public interest helps management to keep abreast of an effective utilizable change.
It also serves as an early warning system to help anticipate trend, using research and sound ethical communication techniques as its principal tools.
Therefore, the goal of a public relation officer, according to Ajala V. (1993), is to increase public awareness of his organization, correct misimpressions, project the truth, establish cooperated links and enhance employee moral.
The complex communication environment of today demands that organizations and governments be attuned with the attitude and opinions of their stakeholders and actively manage all the variables in their environment to ensure that the common good of all is achieved, thereby creating a win situation for all and the environment. raining for sustainable development.

Emeka Jilly Ejiowhor

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