
Our Passion: Key To Life Excellence

This is a Meaningful and Life Changing Statement!
“But what is passion?” Stop for a minute and think about anytime where you’ve felt unconditional love for someone or something? Ask yourself, when was the last time I was in love with life, in love with myself or in love with someone else?
Passion is like being embraced by the warmth of the divine. It touches the depths of our souls and speaks to our spirit. Passion can be so profound that explaining the feeling is like trying to speak a foreign language. Although once felt, the need for explanation fades and the experience takes precedence.
Spiritually speaking, we are soulful beings desperately seeking any experience that will bring us back to our nature of living freely, emotionally and passionately.
We yearn for moments of aliveness, fantasy and imagination. Yet, many of us have lost the connection to our passionate sides. Instead, the monotony of day to day living becomes forefront while our lustful, creative spirits await patiently for the opportunity of expression.
Passion is often felt during moments of pleasure, pain, excitement, joy, wonder and curiosity.
Additionally, when we hear someone else speak with passion, a part of ourselves lighten up with curiosity for this beautiful feeling.
Some of the most passionate moments come from loving yourself just as you are. For the love and acceptance of yourself allows you to accept everyone and everything else unconditionally. This is what truly makes a person feel alive and connected with a higher source.
However, if you are like many other people, your search for passion is why you are reading this article. You have lost a connection with spirit and are searching for a part of yourself that you may have lost awhile ago.
Except deep down, we can never lose that connection with passion because it’s the very essence of our being. It’s just that we have gotten side tracked during the monotonies of life.
So, if you are ready to get back on track and are ready to feel that passion again, let’s begin by saying “I am Passion”.
How do I do this, you ask? Here are a few suggestions..
Enjoy the moment
When you’re passionate about the moment.. even when it’s an uncomfortable moment.. you’re allowing yourself to just be. Allowing yourself to embrace the moment provides opportunities you may have missed otherwise.
Dream and use your imagination.
It’s amazing how good it feels to daydream. Think about a place you’d like to be and put yourself there in this very moment. For example, during long, non-inspiring days I like to ponder about my life, how I could further talk to and counsel young people using different media.
Let the joys of others become your own.
You can automatically tell when someone is passionate about their life. Passionate people have a presence about them that is immediately intoxicating. If you ask these folks “what is passion,” they’ll answer you with their actions. Just observe and take notes. They are earth angels.
Your passion lies where you find fulfilment and satisfaction in whatever you do. Therefore note it and live an excellent life. You will be glad you did.###

Angela Inyena Anietie
08065189975 (SMS Only)

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