
How Real Are The Born Agains?

The word born again has been bastardized and given the wrong perspective from what it rightly meant in its spiritual context by Christendom.
The word born again first appeared in Saint John’s gospel chapter three verse three, where Nicodemus, a teacher of Israel had an encounter with the son of man whose personal sacred name is Yahoshea-Ha-Meshiyach in a night.
Nicodemus as expected of a teacher, could not have asked the question he asked, if he truly knows what is the meaning of born again. The most funny aspect of the episode was when he was even lectured by the Saviour of mankind in whom the scripture is built, Nicodemus was understanding his explanation to be literary. Please consider the truth about the whole drama, Nicodemus is a teacher of the scripture in his days yet did not understand and know the actual spiritual meaning of born again.
Nicodemus as a teacher of the scripture did not understand the meaning of born again (John 3:10) just like you claimed to be a teacher of the scripture without having the spiritual meaning of born again. Hence you have misled many youths and adults in teaching the wrong meaning, thus creating the wrong impression in the lives of many souls that had passed through you, as church leader and teacher.
Born again, is not to be understood in literary terms, rather it is a spiritual term meaning a different thing far from the meaning presented by today’s Christians all over the world. Even professors, baked graduated, bishops, are culprits to this noble sin of deception to condemnation of heavenly blessings.
Yahweh the Grand Creator of heaven and earth is a purposeful father and takes his children according to their ebullience to His ordained instructions of life. He has also inspired sons and daughters on earth so that they could not be misled by the fake scriptural teachers.
Are you born again? If your answer is in the affirmative, let us examine who you are; a born again is some righteous soul who had been baptized in the name of Yahweh and Yahoshea-Ha-Meshiyach and had lived the recommended life required by Yahweh on earth and had passed on to eternity. (John 3:8).
Meaning, such a person has nothing to do with earthly activities in human flesh or body. Such person no longer has blood and could not sire children. Such person that is born again does not live on earth amongst people anymore. In other words, such person has become an holy being carrying the form of ethereal. In simple terms, such should have become a holy spiritual being abiding in the presence of Yahweh and can only be witnessed by prophets of Yahweh, as such soul could be sent on errand to save life on earth.
This meaning is spiritual, hence only the ones Yahweh privileged to know and understand its meaning alone could authoritatively speak and explain this to others, just as the most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi-Ha-Meshiyach of the Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach, the promised comforter. Those who are called to bear his yoke in teaching the scripture, not the self-claimed prophets and teachers of 21st century (Romans 10:13-17).
The question here is, are you also a called out one by Yahweh to share the glad tidings around the world? Act 8:26-39.
To be born again is not the same as repentance (1 Corinthians 5:17), Repentance here means you have had a change of heart from your former life you have been living. Repentance from ones former life to that of Yahweh required life style does not mean born again, rather Yahoshea Meshiyach explained it in a more simpler word, that which is born of the flesh is flesh and that which is born of the spirit is spirit. (John 3:6) in verse 7. Yahoshea Meshiyach emphasized that one needs to be born again before seeing the kingdom. Yahoshea was explaining the rational to make Yahweh’s kingdom.
Once you have lived a perfect, required orderly holy life, after forsaking your stealing, harlotry, fornication, adultery, murder and all such life that conflicts with the laws of Yahweh, then the second step you take would be to be immersed in water in the names of Yahweh the father and the son (Rev. 14:1), not God the father, God the son and God the Holy Ghost. Note this; even if you have repented from your sins or evil ways but did not baptize in the name of Yahweh the grand creator and Yahoshea the creator of mankind (John 1:1-4) and passed on, you will never be accredited as born again. You will move around and come back to earth as to be inscribed with the names of Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach to be saved (Rev. 14:1, Act 4:12). There are no two ways about this. This is the standard Yahweh has set for humanity to have salvation.
The man or woman who is born again is one that has been saved. Such person has obtained mercy and salvation by dint of obedience to Yahweh’s required recommendations.
They have lived a holy life, immersed in river (water) in the names of Yahweh and Yahoshea Meshiyach and have passed on to eternity. They are no longer functional as human beings on earth. No one living on earth with human flesh, having blood, eats food, defecates, sires children, works for his daily bread in office or as business man or woman could be born again. The level of school one has attended, neither the degree acquired by one, does not guarantee one the phenomenon of born again.
Born again is not a title as bastardized by Christendom today all over the world, May be because they do not truly understand its true meaning. It is not a literary word, rather it is a spiritual term hence Nicodemus in his literary mind or knowledge found it so difficult to understand when Yahoshea Meshiyach spoke with him about the term “born again” when he inquired from him.
Born again is not a title you claim as Christianity is doing today, “I am a born again.” Some preachers claim titles- most reverend, most senior Apostle, prophet this and that. You do not even acquire it as we do, in going to school to obtain one degree or the other. It is a phenomenon you lived to be approved by Yahweh the owner of this world. Yahweh is not partial to any soul or race. All are subjected to the same affection he shows to the human race. BUT you must comply with his ordained principles and precepts. Nicodemus was a teacher of his generation, yet he was teaching falsehood claiming to be a teacher of the scriptures. The question one may ask at this junction is what was Nicodemus teaching his people concerning entering the kingdom? Now that Yahoshea Meshiyach, the scriptures Himself has opened up the criteria, the man or woman, who is a born again? Your answer is as good as mine.
Spiritual issues are very difficult to understand. That is why today’s Christianity is in confusion concerning the day of worship recommended to humanity by Yahweh. Majority of people crowd the churches on Sundays while the authority or constitution of all believers states, remember the seventh day and keep it holy, with emphasis (Exodus 20:8). The same bible, the authority of every believer still tells us that Sunday is the first day of the week (Mark 16:1-2). Matthew 28:1. The same Bible authoritatively highlighted how Saint Paul frowned at the Corinthians, when he discovered that they want to convert Sunday as a day of worshipping in Corinthians 16:2. He ordered them to keep the collection money used in assisting those who preach round. Let it not be that anytime he is coming they are gathering like in the Sabbath day in form of worship.
We were admonished in Colossians to be careful lest you will be deceived by men with the philosophy and tradition of Yahoshea Meshiyach, “the scriptures Himself” Colossians 2:8-23. Know that man can not give you salvation neither denomination.
One funny practice going on in Christianity is that people now go to acquire preaching skills in theological institution set or established by human beings. The question is what and what will be taught in places like that? Who approved the school academic syllabus or mode of operation of the school scheme of work?
Let’s read and understand the scriptures with our spiritual being in us. Please read Romans with intense care. Romans 10:15. Peter and his colleagues were not educated people, yet Yahweh picked them for Yahoshea Meshiyach to work with. Yahoshea Meshiyach went after them looking (searching) for them from their different places, just as recommended by Yahweh to him. Luke 5:2.
Please also note how Philip was sent to the Ethiopians eunuch. Philip was instructed to accomplish what he was sent out to do here on earth by Yahweh. Philip was not trained, neither was Peter. Peter is known to be a professional fisherman of the most recognized order. Yet it pleased Yahweh to use people of such low profiles in achieving his mission on earth.
To become a born again, or a preacher, does not require earthly knowledge as Christendom is doing now, thus putting the world into more confusion by adulterating the scriptures. In Yahoshea’s time, did we hear any title like Bishop? The scriptures had been turned to a business venture where every failed out student in the university would want to claim, God called me. Are you saying that Yahweh do not like education? And these are the born agains in the churches and society. The scriptures say, by their fruits you shall know them Yahweh is one, Yahoshea is one and the comforter is one. We can be saved only if we live by the tenets of Yahweh our maker. No amount of human degree or level of education one has acquired will promote one to a spiritual level. The more we are earthly, the more we imprison our souls. Spiritual issues are far high above human intellect and should be encouraged in our existence, if we mean to be part of that blissful kingdom owned by Yahweh, except one deceives himself by saying that their is another kingdom for humanity.
The time for salvation is now. You can worship with the Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach at No 4A Elechi Beach, Mile 1 behind the UBE board building were you will be exposed to the will of Yahweh. Better still become born again.
You may criticize, but spiritually with facts, to let others benefit/ You can also text me on 0803738663. ###

Allanso Jonathan Allanso

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