
In every nation of the world, citizens look up to the government for positive change. In a democratic state, political parties are the platforms aspirants stand to contest elections in order to have access to government. Well, Nigeria is not and exception. Nigerians are counting their gains and failures in this democratic journey. There is no nation without a government whether good or bad.
Nigeria is a nation whose economy depends on petroleum. And if there is any in crack or shortage of supply of petroleum products the citizens face a lot of economic brouhaha. Each time the president and people in government venture into increasing prices of petroleum products everybody is in fears of the uncertainty. The budget of the Federal Government and States cannot be realistic without petroleum.
Indeed, a brief look at the Euro zone crisis shows that the economic crisis is not a particular product that sustains the economies. But in Nigeria, every economic crisis is linked to petroleum. The future of Nigerians depends on petroleum in spite of all natural resources deposited in the earth crust of Nigeria. It is obvious, that the government of Nigeria is desperate at every given time to increase the prices of petroleum products.
It is a sad experience to see a very big gulf between the leaders and the masses each time urgent issue that demands urgent attention is showcased for public opinion. Nigerians expect the Federal Government of Nigeria to change for the better. The fuel subsidy removal has become a game for the leaders in government to decide. The masses who suffer the effect are left in a state of indecision. And those in government speak with one voice not minding the suffering of Nigerians when the subsidy is removed.
In Italy, the Prime Minister resigned last month not because there was nothing for him to eat, but because of the suffering of the citizens. The Italian economy is in crisis and those who suffer more are the masses. The fact remains, in a good democracy the masses state of livelihood is the parameter in which a robust economy is judged.
In Nigeria it is assumed leaders are happy when citizens are suffering. In stead, they will seek an avenue to make life miserable.
The National Assembly few weeks ago was seen to be pitching tent with the masses. But all of a sudden they are divided because of their ordinate ambitions. Some are saying nay and some are saying ah! Who is deceiving Nigerians? There is no need for such abracadabra in the National Assembly. Nigerians are watching the game called fuel subsidy removal.
Some say it does not exist; some say it exists. The issue is that the government does not have concern of the masses at heart; so anything can happen and in the end it will cause a division amongst the masses; some will applaud the subsidy removal and some will sigh and look up to heaven.
This monster called fuel subsidy is nothing but a trick by government to increase fuel price. For some times now, government has been trying to increase fuel price there was no cogent reason for such act.
The money for fuel subsidy who pays it and to who? The transaction is not done in the dark but in offices. So, it is the duty of government to make Nigerians smile and not to make them cry or revolt. By the time the government would ignore the masses’ plight and forge ahead with the removal of fuel subsidy, God will act!
Now, there is aggressive mass mobilization campaign in favour of fuel subsidy removal. All in the name that when the subsidy removal is carried out the money from it will be used to construct and rehabilitate roads, to improve the standard of education, build and equip hospitals, increase or improve power supply and create employment opportunities for the teeming youths. The plans are nice; but one may, ask is it the first time one has heard of such lofty and fantastic government plan for the citizens? Who is deceiving who? Does it mean that without fuel subsidy removal government cannot fix the roads, school system, health sector, energy sector and proffer solution to unemployment problems bedeviling the youths?
Nigeria is not too big to face all the economic manipulations. The manipulators, importers and marketers of petroleum products are Nigerians. So, it is not a hard thing to know who is cheating or destroying the economy. Nigerians are tired of lip service. Before you know, the subsidy will become a tribal issue instead of a common issue for Nigerians to say no to it. Fuel subsidy removal is nothing but a plot to divert attention of Nigerians from the failure of government in ability to meet the expectations of Nigerians.
When Nigerians are ready to feel the positive impact of this government, then, there is endless thought about fuel subsidy removal that is the activity of those in power. It is funny! When the government contracted her political well wishers into secret deals, no Nigerian masses was aware. May be they are not loyal again, and it has become a public music for all to dance. Government should come out straight and increase petroleum product prices, instead of playing hide and seek game with the masses.
Already, those of them in power have declared no going back. In Nigeria when transformer for light spoils, NEPA or PHCN would ask consumers to contribute money to repair it or new one.
President Goodluck Jonathan declared when he was campaigning to become president of Nigeria, that he walked to school everyday bare footed without bag for his books, when he was in primary school. Nigerians thought that with such harsh experience he will improve the living standard of the people. It is very clear in Nigeria that the prices of petroleum products detect the prices of goods and services. And so president should be sensitive enough to ignore the call by the selected class for subsidy removal. And indeed, Nigerians are still watching what will be the last or final decision of Mr. President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria about fuel subsidy removal whether good or bad.

Frank Eneawaji Ogwuonuonu

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