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Tips for Clean Healthy Environment: BARGING INTO THE SEA OR RIVER

The method is practicable in coastal cities and riverine areas. The shores are always littered with refuse and attract flies infestation. The pollution consequences are usually recognized. The system should not be encouraged, and if in existence, it should be abolished.
Composting: This method has proved economically viable in developing countries where imported fertilizers consumed the countries foreign exchange. The window statistic pile aeration method is best recommended to produce compost that is pathogenically free; odour-free, lacks heavy and sophisticated technology.
Public Health Hazard: It is obviously noted that the refuse handlers and community are exposed to so risks during the generation, storage, collection, transportation ad final disposal of refuse.
The risk could be controlled through provision of dustbin with well fitting covers. They should be provided, especially for the household and school and used and placed at strategic locations.
In crowded localities, eg. schools, markets, camps etc. large commercial bins should be provided. An attendant should oversee the affair of dumping, avoid spillage and apply insecticide to prevent flies, mosquitoes, rodent ad offensive odour.
Regular removal of refuse must be ensured to avoid heaps (mountain) of refuse, pest and vector breeding.
Dumping of refuse in open drains should be discouraged as it leads to rodent and vector nuisance, flooding, offensive odour, etc.
Every worker in this line should be immunized against tetanus to prevention infection.
Personal protective equipment, i.e. booths, face and nose masks and gloves should be provided to refuse operators as appropriate.

Emeka Jilly Ejiowhor

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