

Father you know I count on you
If I fall it will be difficult to rise again
May I never fall to be mocked.
I have not done well with some people
I want every man still to see me a rich man
This I pray everyday so as to remain rich.

Oh my heavenly father, without you I am not
With you I will forever remain rich forever
Even if I have not solved some People’s problems
Let me not fall for the masses to laugh me
Because if I fall, I will be mocked by all.
Please my father cover me not to fall.

My heavenly father, I am a rich man today
Tomorrow I may not tell, hence I beg
help me remain rich never to beg any man’s food
Rather others should forever come begging me
For their needs everyday
Without that I will not be counted a rich man.

Father will you do this for me
My existence depend on my riches
My fame comes from my wealth
If I should fall, I have lost my entire inheritance
Let not my dependants ever rise above me
This is my only prayer from you.

By Allanso Jonathan Allanso
Aka: The mirror Poet
Email: j4real91@yahoo.com
Facebook: Allanso Jonathan Allanso
GSM 08037384663

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