
The Human Body: The Holiest Book

The Human body if observed carefully can be found to be a replication of the universe of God. This is why it is written severally that the secrets of the macrocosm can be found in the microcosm. This implies that the secrets of the universe can be found even in the tiniest component as the HU-man body or the body of the earth worm. For as it has been written in this column several times, the Human body is only a temple for the spiritual body known as Soul.
This Soul is a spark of God our Creator.
This Hu-man body is therefore a machine that is run by Soul to garner experience in the worlds of time, space, matter and energy. This Human body is born, grows, gets old and eventually is dropped by Soul in a process known as death. This process is similar to that of the snake shedding its old and worn-out skin.
After a stint in the first heaven of God and that departed Soul has been shown what he or she was able to accomplish and the outstanding assignments, that soul is given another opportunity to reincarnate and continue his spiritual mission either on earth or any other planet suitable for its spiritual evolution.
When such a soul reincarnates sometimes (and often) in the same family or in another family where he has sown in form of thoughts, words and deeds, he would now be given the opportunity to reap what he had sown in a former lifetime. Of course the soul in form cannot remember for its memory would have been blotted out so that each lifetime is regarded as a new one. This is why some religions insist that we only live once! Who would blame them despite all the surrounding evidence of reincarnation?.
Soul in form known as man therefore is the author of his own life. He is the actor, the scriptwriter and the spectator. He has the power to change the course of his life if only he chooses to do so.
However, only few individuals have the capacity to recall past lives and know the reason for their present life. It takes a special training for an individual to be able to peep into the past and determine the future.
It is amazing to note therefore that most individuals today are ruled by the different Holy Books of their religions. While it is pertinent to note that most holy books contain truth about God and the Holy Spirit, it is also necessary to point out that such truths are demonstrated by individuals who had direct experiences with God through the Light and the Sound.
When is the man of today going to have his own experiences with the Holy Spirit so that it can be documented for maybe spiritually lazy individuals to read and emulate in some future?
When will the ‘man of God’ of today stop quoting the experiences of individuals with the Holy Spirit of about two thousand years ago to a man living in the jet age?
When will our so called ‘men of God’ start having their own direct experiences with the Holy Spirit so as to guide other souls on how to experience the Holy Spirit?
For as long as the pastors and priests of today are ignorant of the deeper secrets of God, the Light and Sound, they will continue to quote from old scriptures when they can actually experience God and the Holy Spirit and the heavens of God while still alive.
Man know thyself!
All great sages from time immemorial have advised man to search for answers about life from within but man is always fascinated by psychic events from outer phenomenon than go within himself to know about the secrets of the universe. Man can actually visit the numerous heavens of God if only he takes time to observe and study his own body.
For instance, can anyone ever believe that the way to the kingdom of heaven lies on the forehead of man? Who would have ever contemplated that when man closes the physical eyes he can make contact with the heavens of God through the spiritual eyes located in between the two eyebrows?
The Hu-man body can be compared to the heavens or universes of God in all respects. The heart of man for instances pumps blood for circulation within the HU-man body with blood sustaining the whole body moving through the arteries to supply food and nourishments to all parts of the body and the veins returning back to the heart in a continuous process known as blood circulation The Holy Spirit also moves likewise from the heart of God from the high spiritual worlds and through the ‘arteries’ of God known as ethers and flows back to the God Head through the ‘veins’ back to the hearth of God. Therefore all cells living within the body of man is nourished through the circulation of blood within the body of man and in the same way ‘hu-man cells’ are nourished through the Holy Spirit and God is aware of the tiniest vibration within its world or universes.
When man within the Hu-man body is pinched, he responds to this sensation by directing his attention to this spot. So also is God aware of every sensation within its universes so why would man worry and continue to beseech God endlessly?
Man is but a cell in the universal body of God.
If man is not aware of his closeness to God then only man can turn around the situation for his spiritual benefit.
Instead of man quoting from the experiences of others written in Holy Books, he should go within himself and visit the glorious heavens of God. Man can then talk with authority on the geography of the heavens of God.

By Tuborki Dauyemie

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