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If you can only believe, said the Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi ha Meshiyach, founder and sole spiritual head of Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach.
Your sins or crimes may not be worst, be you a Politician, a member of reformed Ogboni fraternity formed by a Bishop, Monasries of seven race or even the lodge, church of satan and also the naked churches people join these days to seek for divine future or fortune.
What of the international mission of Brotherhood, academic of mystic science,vikins, Bukanikas, Bar-beach and other cults too numerous to mention.
Frankly speaking, any organization whose activities are kept away from the knowledge of the public, and such activities are carried out at odd hours and they often clash with the accepted norms and values of everyday life is a cult, cultism is a negative behaviour every right thinker must have to avoid.
According to the END-TIME MESSAGE of the END- TIME PROMISED COMFORTER Yahweh does not destroy the lives of sinners, that even the word hell was formed out of the imagination of man otherwise there is no geographical position on this earth planet referred to hell where fire is burning.
The only thing Yahweh does is to back the sinner so that even if outwardly things are rosy, flowing with milk and honey there is an internal sickness in the conscience you cannot bribe as conscience is only nutured by truth.
But as you hear the clarion call and come, in whatever channel, no priest, levite or prophet will see vision for you, as usually done in the false churches and prayer houses.
But be conducted to have seat and if you come early enough, you will be in Sabbath school lesson where you will be opportune to ask few questions of the strange teachings.
After which a baptismal lectures would be put together as may be deemed fit by organiser of the day, at the end of which all who are convinced are processed on line to match out to any nearby creek or river to be immersed for divine intervention.
The question to every individual ready by the baptiser is “DO YOU BELIEVE IN THE SACRED NAME OF YAHWEH?” that the multitude of all your sins are over as soon as you are deepen into the river to die and also resurrect with him in Yahoshea Meshiyach holy name.
All you are expected to respond in positive affirmation is “YES I BELIEVE” and the did is done to bring Yahweh face to face with you as his own divine project, lost and found.
He can never, never abandon you as soon as there is change of heart or guilt of your previous action, so you urgently need Yahweh’s power of anointing for initiation.
Yahweh the Grand Author of the universe existed for forty- eight trillion years before he spoke his son Yahshem, meaning my word, into existence and lived with him for five million years before Yahshem was able to fathom what was fashioned in the mind of Yahweh.
Before Yahshem started creation on the first day of the week called by man Sunday and ended creation on the sixth day by moulding two infants, Adama and Chawah, and introduced breath into their nostrils and both became living souls.
Yahshem after creation gave to the infants three major laws such as to worship Yahweh through the son Yahoshea Meshiyach, on every seventh day of the week called by man Saturday or Sabbath and love your fellow mortals more than themselves.
All the messages in the Holy Originally Inspired Scriptures(HOIS) of the Holy Assemblies of Yahoshea Meshiyach(HAYM) are revelations from Yahweh through Arch-messengers to the promised comforter, Most Senior Prophet Yahmarabhi ha Meshiyach.
So be rest assured that your life is one hundred percent assured, no matter your commitment or wherever you may find yourself.
Listen to me, are you Aware that North American continent, the 20th century police of the world, controlling the whole earth planet in recent times submitted bill on Gay marriage, to the congress in 2010, that received an urgent attention for immediate approval, because of pressures from Gay activists.
Again, an homosexual leader in Uganda, Katon Davies was reportedly murdered according to the shepherd News Paper Vol. 7 No3 printed and published by Fash Printing Press Ltd No. 26 Shadare street, o0ff Fafulu, Mushin Lagos.
The prominent gay activist along with over one hundred in the list opposed an anti-homosexuality bill submitted to parliament in 2009 by the ruling party, MP Baham. Davies and others sued the local tabloid known as Rolling stone to court and in November the court ordered the paper to stop further publication.
And earlier in the month, a judge ruled that it had violated their constitutional rights to privacy and ordered compensation.
In another development, a British Vicar of about 65 years stunned his church bosses by announcing plans to marry his 25 years old Nigerian male model boy friend, the dareby mail of London has reported and published in 27th August-2nd September, 2010 by weekend star, page7.
A Gay Reverend Collins Conward, a priest at St. John the Baptist Church in Devizcs Wiltshire entered into this civil partnership with his boy-friend, Bob Egbele when they met at a Christian conference in Togo in 2007.
The gay priest refused to remain celibate following this union, which is a requirement the Church of England asked of its ordained gay clergy.
Today Rev. Conward who lives with Bob Egbele revealed that he hopes his union sets a visible example to other gay people within the Church.
According to him, my goal is for everyone within the Church to feel comfortable with the situation because at the moment the majority of gay Christians marry secretly.
It is a taboo subject, but the church is now under pressure to change its stance or policy and that pressure will only increase in the future, more Catholic clarity faces closure after losing appeal over gay adoption.

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