
Life, Death And Life

The fear of death is what makes most of us run into different places of worship every Sunday. But since death is inevitable, we need to have a practical understanding of what death is all about. Everybody wants to go to heaven but no one wants to die. Such is the level of understanding as regards to death.
The following questions are very pertinent when discussing the issue of death:
Why are we afraid of death when it is the only way through which we can proceed to heaven?
Why are we afraid of going to heaven through death if we are sure of sitting at the ‘right hand side of God’ as promised by our various religionists?
Why would a man go for thanks giving for escaping an accident when such ‘opportunity’ to go to heaven is presented?
Where does this promise of heaven come from or is it a way of ‘capturing’ gullible souls to fall in line and obey the priesthood or the pastors?
Must we die before we can visit the heavens of God?
If a man can visit the ‘third heaven’ as reported in some holy books and still be alive to tell the story, can we then visit the kingdom of heaven while still alive and well?
Can there be more than one heaven? Where can we find this elusive pathway to this kingdom of heaven?
What then is the purpose of life on earth?
Questions, numerous questions all begging for answers which man of toady cannot provide answers to.
Life on earth is a gift from God. For we exist simply because God, our Father and Creator loves it. It was not by our choice that we are on earth here but it is definitely our responsibility to determine our purpose while here on earth. For if we do not understand our purpose of being here on earth the likelihood is for us to be back on earth someday to find out. This is in accordance with the Spiritual Law of Evolution.
Soul, a spark of God was sent down to the lower worlds (including our universe and our dear planet, earth) for the purpose of learning how to appropriate the divine love of God and later graduate to become a conscious co-worker with God. This is the subject matter in all the spiritual schools in the lower worlds of God. This is the spiritual destiny of all souls in form.
For us to achieve this feat, we need to attend ‘schools’ that can teach this subject. These schools can be found in various planets and universes like Venus, Earth, Moon, etc. The various schools have different classes for the different levels of spiritual educational attainment of each soul. This different level corresponds to the different religious beliefs that we belong to today. This is why some of us are ready to kill in the name of God or our religion but what such individuals fail to recognize is the fact that God loves all of us but we do not and cannot love God equally. Because of this deficiency, we hold on to our different levels of understanding of God or religion and sometimes try to impose it on others or even kill in ignorance.
But ignorance of a spiritual law is not an excuse for we pay for all our thoughts, words and actions through the Lords of Karma whom God has appointed to deal with such issues.
For soul to be proficient in the art of appropriating this love or energy of God, soul would be required to attend school (earth) for several lifetimes. In other words we keep coming and going on the wheel of reincarnation until such a time when we are examined and found to be worthy to serve as a conscious channel for this divine love of God. Ofcourse, our teachers too are numerous as contained in the different religions on earth today. It is the responsibility of each Soul to find that religion that best answers his questions about life but Soul also reserves the right to move from one religion to another until such a time when soul finds that the greatest religion is the one within and the path to God resides within man.
Before Soul is given birth to as man, he descends through the various heavens (planes) of God and is enfolded with different ‘uniforms’ that corresponds to the different schools where soul is sent to learn. On earth here the appropriate uniform is the HU-man body.
Soul, the Light and Sound of God, the Holy Spirit individualized, is born as a child but covered in the HU-man body and cries immediately it is given birth to because of its confinement. Once in a while It escapes from the little child’s body back into where It comes from when the baby sleeps. This is found to be the closest heaven to us known as the first heaven. Often times the child cries because of his unfamiliar environment but it is a great privilege to be given an opportunity to come to school, earth to learn.
Before the birth of Soul in form, there are some specific assignments given to Soul apart from his destiny (country where soul is born, into which family, color of skin, etc). But most of us going through the earthly educational system are brainwashed by the doctrines of our parents and the different religions and we soon forget our original purpose while on earth here. We soon forget about the Light and Sound of God from which we derive our very existence and our spiritual food. For the Light and Sound is the Holy Spirit. But soul can be shown its purpose in life if he calls on the Holy and Sacred name of God, HU, and such an individual would be shown his spiritual purpose in the dream state.
The HU is a non directional prayer that does not tell God what to do. It simply says ‘God let thy will be done in my life!’ The man who tells God what to do does not know God. For if he does why would man ask for anything. For God knows the next thought on man’s mind. It is as detailed as that.
The HU can be sung in a monosyllable as in the word Huuuuee…! in an outward going breath with eyes closed for attention and inner attention placed on the spiritual eye, located in between the two eyebrows. This is the seat of Soul. This song of God can be sung as the last activity before going to sleep and surely God will speak directly to the individual through his dreams. This is one of the elementary ways of communicating with God but this will serve for this moment anyway.
Man as a child goes to school and at about the age of ten, man starts to forget about the heavens of God and concentrates on how to survive in life. Later after university education (if he has such opportunity) and getting married, rearing children, he starts the pursuit of money and prosperity as he has been indoctrinated in the earth’s way. Once he a while, he is reminded in his dreams (his inner world) about his spiritual commitment but the ‘pseudo men of God’ would not let him go because this is part of the whole illusion of life.
By the time man is sixty and has acquired all the material wealth available, he starts recognizing the fact that material wealth does not bring happiness to man. He soon discovers that prosperity (without consciousness) as a matter of fact shield man from God. Since man knows that he is nearing the grave, he starts to look for God inside various houses of worship. It becomes difficult for him to learn new ways of understanding God and thus man resigns himself to going to heaven after death. He believes that he is qualified to be admitted into the heavens of God but he is not told how he would get there. For have we not been told that when man dies he would go to either heaven or hell? When his body rots away which other body would man use to access heaven or hell if he only lives once?
Could the purpose life just be as simplistic as this? When man dies he is said to be judged, but in which body?
My Spiritual Guide (also known as the Spiritual Coach and available to all mankind!), gave me an opportunity to visit a court of the dead known as the Court of Yama where souls who have dropped the HU-man body go to. In the earth language they are said to be dead. But soul does not die because it is the Holy Spirit individualized. For the Holy Spirit cannot die but the ‘school uniform’, the HU-man body, dies and is replaced when soul is cleared to come back to school (earth) for another chapter in his spiritual education. This is also the reason why we see our dead relatives in our dreams because Soul in form, man does not die but we simply drop the HU-man body when it is worn out and we pick another as soon as we have been permitted to reincarnate.
In this court was a close relative who had departed from earth and there were other several souls who were also waiting to be judged. A big ‘computerlike’ book was read by the judge where the individual was shown all what he had done. The individual agreed because it was the truth. There were no emotions and no pleading and the man was promptly sent to where he had merited to wait until he is given an opportunity to reincarnate on earth again. The individual would then continue life in that heaven until he has enough love to qualify to meet the Living Godman.
The Living Godman, the Spiritual Coach, can only be contacted and verified in the dream state when the individual decides to sing the HU, the Holy name of God. The willingness of the individual to sing HU is an indication of that soul’s readiness to know more about life and his spiritual mission. But every soul has the choice to remain where they are spiritually provided they are happy. Ignorance we are told is bliss but the ‘teachers of life’ would compel soul to wake up and fulfill his spiritual destiny.
The ignorance and fear of God is the source of all tribulations while the love of God is the beginning of wisdom.
For it is love and love alone that can make any individual meet with the Living Godman whom God has appointed to lead Souls who are ready to go back home to God. Most Souls keep going and coming on the wheels of the eighty four, the wheel of reincarnation for millions of lifetimes until the illusions of life are washed and the scales are lifted from man’s eyes.

By Tuborki Dauyemie
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