

I am Israel of Africa of love a cheer giver
My face is given, a tiller’s dream, a distillers’ gin
My arms are wide, because I desire no divide
“All should come”, I said, “do not conform to hatred
These songs I sang as strangers spread death in bang
As evil matchets whistle smoking teeth and death is settle
The coming littered with mindless bodies, what honour

Locally fabricated gun singing locally fabricated song
“death to the Christians for them buy no patience
On that same day so cool, when bible homes are
When letters of needs encased in words and
In prayerful frenzy are sent to Jehovah for whom it is
That day bodies were cooked along with their sacred bodies
What I see in my minor is earth shaking honour

I am Israel of Africa of love a cheerful giver
Some say I am Jos for those who will live in peace and just
To give love as much as wanted for this I am planted
To gather all into my embrace, wipe fear from their face
I opened my broders for all to see my wonders
Once again let love grow, peace flow, happiness into us blow
I am your mother, Jos, the first mother Israel of Africa

West Biokpo Joshua

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